
Why Posting Multiple Times A Day Is A Waste Of Time For Personal Trainers And Online Trainers

Why Posting Multiple Times A Day Is A Waste Of Time For Personal Trainers And Online Trainers

In today's video, I'm going to be going through the topic of why posting multiple times a day, even posting every day is a waste of time as a personal trainer, a fitness professional if you're trying to grow your business. Now, first and foremost, posting content on a regular basis. Now, back in the day when there was no such things as really decent algorithms and all that sort of stuff, and when everybody saw everything you posted, all your followers saw, all your posted posting numerous times a day was very, very important because effectively you wanted to be the top of the feed, is what it was talked about at the time. And what I meant by that is everybody saw if they followed someone, everybody saw a hundred percent of that person's posts at any time. And if the person followed a hundred people and you posted at 9:00 AM when even the person jumped on, say Instagram, at that time, you'd be the top.

You'd be the first one they see, and by nine 30 you'd be at the bottom. And so you'd want to post again so you can be at the top and you get seen again, seen again. Then they brought in the algorithms, and the algorithms pretty much changed that in regards to they only really show what they deemed to be relevant to you on your feed. Now here's a test of this. Next time you go on Instagram, the first or second post that you see come up on your feed, have a look, have a look at how long ago that was posted, right? Was it literally posted a minute or two ago or was it potentially posted like 2, 3, 4 days ago? Next time you go on Instagram, I challenge you that whatever comes to the top of your feed, the first post or second post, look at how long ago that was posted, right?

And that is literally the top of your feed. The first thing you've seen, and I will say more than likely, out of the first one or two posts that you see, there's at least one of them that was posted like three, four days ago, five days ago, even at a completely different time, at a completely different time zone, a completely whatever, but it was the top of your feed on that specific day at this specific time. Why? Because the algorithms feed the post out to people based on what they believe. That person is going to enjoy that type of content. It doesn't matter when it was posted, right? There is no benefit to that post. It didn't need to be posted a minute before you open up your feed, right? It could have been posted a day ago, two ago, three days, five days ago, and it will continue to feed through the algorithm and drop it in front of people's faces as soon as they go onto the platform.

A week, two weeks, three weeks from there. And it will look like it's completely new to the uneducated eye, but it keeps repurposing it and making it feel like it's completely new. And the point I'm trying to make is that that person didn't get your attention because they posted the minute they posted three times that day, they got your attention because the algorithm deemed that to be of interest to you, and they've probably already got a big following and has got a big engagement to that post or whatever it might be. So trying to time and do frequency of content is no longer important right now. Second to that is if you don't already have a monster following, it's pretty hard to grow followings these days. It's gotten harder and harder now a timing of posting and frequency throughout a day, right? I spoke to someone the other day, I got some advice from a guru who told me, I've got to post content full-time today.

And I've been trying to do that for the past month or two, and it's really draining, but I, I'm just trying to keep at it and I've got to keep motivated. I've got to keep consistent. It's hard, but I guess I've just got to be more motivated about it. And it's like I said to them, look, it's got nothing to do with your level of motivation. Don't get down on yourself. If I did something four times a day and I got no results from it and I'd done it for a month, any human would start to think, I dunno if I can be that motivated to do it four times again today because it's done nothing for me. And you'll start to think, well, if it hasn't worked for the past month and I've done every day, why would today be any different? So your motivation level will drop, and that's natural because you start to question what you're doing if it's even worth the energy and the investment.

And the answer is no, it's not just because you've done something. If you've done it three or four times a day and you've done it for a month or two like this person I spoke to, and you've got no results, well, let me tell you, if you do that for another month or two, you're still not going to see any results because what you're doing, you're working hard, but what you're doing is not bringing results. So you need to partner that hard, work up with something that's actually going to bring you results. And that's where the magic happens right now. Timing of posting frequency throughout each day. I've just banged on the head and explained why that's not important. Second to that and why it's so hard to grow a big following these days just through organic formats is reach, I was looking to report done by Forbes Magazine actually a couple of weeks ago, and another one by social media examiner Reach on Instagram and Facebook is down about 65% engagement and reach TikTok the last two years is down 35% each year.

So multiplying on itself. And the point being is that no matter what, and we could go through all the other platforms, no matter what platform you go to, whether you think, oh, it might be easier on TikTok now or Instagram or whatever it might be, you'll reach a lot of people work really hard to try and get followers, right? Let's just say you do heaps of work, you do heaps of posting, you do heaps of DMing, all of this crazy stuff, and you get a hundred new followers. Well, all that work you did to get that a hundred new followers, you're not going to get a million new followers because it's hard to grow these days. All that hard work you had to get those a hundred followers. The next day you post, let's just say for example, you do heaps of work and somehow on yesterday you got a hundred new followers or you post today and about 30 of those hundred or 20 of those a hundred people will see your content.

And the other 70 or 80 of those a hundred people are completely lost forever. They'll never see any more of your content. So you did so much work to get a hundred people, and then the next day, only 20 or 30 of those people are ever going to see anything from you ever again, and 70 to 80% of 'em are completely lost. So you effectively did all that work to get 70 or 80 people that will never see anything. So you could say that you did all that work only for 20 actual people that are going to see your stuff for a couple of days, and then that all start to drop off. Then it will be 15 of those people, then it'll be 12 of those people, then it'll be eight of those people. And then you have to do the work again to try and get another a hundred and only 20 of them are going to see it.

And then it'll go down to 15 and then it'll go down to 12. And so once again, if you go to accounts that have 10,000 followers, 5,000 followers, or if you even just look at your own, maybe back in the day you used to do a post and you'd get a whole lot of likes or a whole lot of comments, and now you'd be lucky if you're getting a couple. And the ones you do, they might be your family friends, your mum, your dad. So the point being is doing a lot of work to try and get followers and then hardly any of 'em sees 'em and then it just drops off slowly to then having to go and do the work again to fill it back up again. It's almost like Groundhog Day of doing something that is only going to bring you pain.

You do a lot of effort and work for very little outcome, and then you have to redo it all over again. And that's why paid ads really are where it's at right now. And of course, the reason why these business are doing these algorithms to do that is because they're incentivized to make people want to do paid ads. How they make money, that's how they make profit. So everything of these businesses, they're not bad people, they're the social media platforms, but they're incentivized to kill organic strategies, right? Because they want use paid strategies to build your business every day that you are able to use their social media platforms to build your business, get clients, make money for free a k organic, they make $0. So that's not part of their business plan. Their business plan is for you to grow your business, you have to pay them in order to get paid.

And so they make money, you make money. And so of course, that's always the way that things are going to go further and further, because they're not a charity, they don't set up social media platforms just to, because they're charities and they would love to support small business owners for the rest of their life to be able to get clients for free using organic strategies. No, that's unfortunately they do that to start with, to get people hooked on their platform. And then they just start pulling away all the organic stuff and say, Hey guys, well now you've got to pay for ads to get clients. And that's what the algorithms do. And that's why over time, platforms get harder and harder and organic gets harder and harder and harder. And that's what most people are seeing now. So posting three times a day on organic, trying to build your followers, doing all these organic models, if that's your long-term plan, right?

I'm not saying that by posting some content and getting some followers, you can't get 1, 2, 3 clients. You might, right? You're going to do a lot of work, you get a couple of clients. But if you get stuck there, and that's the only strategy that you have, it's the only level you're going to get to, you're going to be working full time at this to try and pick up 1, 2, 3 clients, and you'll never be able to get above that. And that's not sustainable because it's not enough. So my massive recommendation to people is get in, maybe do those stuff. If you don't have the means to do paid ads straight away, get those 1, 2, 3 clients and then move to paid ads and move away from organic. And that will feed you for life. And that is where you're going to get a consistent, steady flow within your business.

So anyone right now, and it was just so top of mind, cause I spoke to that person. Anyone right now's just smashing cold dms all day long to people that have no connection, friendship, engagement with any of their content or trying to post three times a day, really rethink your strategy on that. And I hope that I save you a whole lot of pain, energy, and time and realign that effort and energy to something that's actually going to work. Now, if you need any help with anything, if you are putting in the time you're not getting the leads of the clients that you deserve, feel free to reach out to us. You can DM me or you can go to tribe Happily, help put you in the right direction so you can couple up your hard work with doing the right thing. And then once again, hard work and doing that, pointing that at stuff that works is where the magic happens. So you'll start to see the results that you deserve, rather than banging your head, continuing against a wall, wondering why if you're putting in all this energy, it's just not producing for you. So hopefully that makes sense and I hope, like I said, take this on board if you are falling into that trap, and I hope I save you a whole lot of time, energy, and pain doing something that's not going to work. It hasn't worked, it's not going to work now. It's only going to get worse in the future. Cheers.

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