
What Niches Suck As An Online Trainer

What Niches Suck As An Online Trainer

In today's video, we're going to be going through the worst niches as an online trainer. The ones that if you pick, no matter how hard you work, what you do, nothing's going to work and it's going to keep you broke and unsuccessful as an online trainer. And it's kind of like one of the key pieces you need to nail in your foundational parts of your business. And if you get this wrong, like I said, you can literally have see one trainer who's making 20, 30, 40, 50, a hundred thousand dollars a month doing the exact same stuff, strategies, techniques, as another that is struggling to get one client. And the main key difference is their niche selection. One has a good one, one has a bad one, they're both doing the same thing. One gets massive results, one gets little to no results. So it is pretty important, and I think a lot of people get this piece wrong and then wonder why what they're doing, they're not getting any traction with it and just get frustrated.

And what's more frustrating is seeing people doing the exact same stuff as you and getting massive results. Well, for you, you do that and it's just like you hear crickets. So you definitely want to get this piece right. Now first and foremost, what is a good niche? A good niche is, or niche, however you want to pronounce the word, depending on where you are in the world, is effectively narrowing down to a certain type of ideal client online. Now, if you think about it this way, when you're an in-person trainer, in-person, personal trainer, coach, you don't need to niche. You don't need to niche, you don't need to have that sort of level. Why? Because you work in a gym. Let's say for example, you work from home or you work for a certain location, and the only clients that you could potentially get are the people that live around you In a call it a half an hour car radius.

So plunk your gym, look at your gym, and if you did a half an hour radius around there, that's your only potential client base. So there's a certain cap limit on the type of people you could work with, right? There's a cap to the volume. You're never going to be able to have a billion prospects, for example, or even a million prospects or 10 million prospects. You are limited by the radius around you of those can travel to see you in person. But in addition to that, you also have a reduction in competition. So once again, you might have a 30 minute driving radius of where your gym, your location, your box, your facility is, and you might have a competitor five minutes drive to the left and five minutes drive to the right. You might have one two minutes walk from you, but you are capped by your competition.

And what I mean by that is no one's going to have like a hundred thousand competitors to try and compete with to get their clients in a physical gym location, right in that physical face-to-face training basis. So you are limited by your potential growth, your prospect volume, but you are also protected by being limited by your competition right now. As soon as you go online, you open up your capacity to work with effectively 7 billion people worldwide. Seven point something billion haven't looked at recently. Now you go as an online trainer, online coach, you go online, you've been in person, you've never had the niche before for the reasons that I just mentioned, and then all of a sudden you have the capacity to reach 7 billion people and you think, great, this is amazing. There's so many prospects out there. But on the flip side, you also compete with every single online trainer in the world as well.

So your capacity of prospects go sky high, but also your competition goes sky high. And remember, in an in-person aspect, one, if you niche down, there's not enough people around you to say no to. Certain people say, I don't train with them, but you're also protected. You don't have to be as good or as narrow because you're protected by limited amount of competition. You go online, you have massive amounts of competition, but you also have massive amounts of reach and capacity to get prospects. Right? Now, the reason why niching or niching down is important online is because what it does is it pockets you down to working with a certain type of people, but also protects you to having less competition. So all of a sudden you're not competing with every personal trainer in the world. You are only competing with the trainers who do what you do and work with the people you're working with in a certain way. So you've got niches and then you've got sub niches that's kind of one level down from that. And the more narrow you can be on that, think about it, yes, the less prospects you've got, but you only need, if you're charging each client at say, $2,000 for ease of math, to make $200,000 a year, you only need a hundred clients.

So you only need a hundred people. And so you narrow down set of targeting 7 billion people. You might narrow down to a group that only has a hundred thousand potential prospects around the world. But by doing that, you also got less and less and less competition. Right now, you're not competing with every online trainer in the world, you're competing with maybe five or 10 in the world right now. In addition to that, if you have the right techniques, the marketing, the sales strategies, the formats, the way to get your stuff out there, you might be competing with 20, 30, 40 other online trainers at that niche level, but if you're doing it much better than them, it's not an even spread. If there's 30 online trainers in your niche and there's three of them doing it really well and 27 doing terrible, and really you only competition three.

And so if you're able to get the right tools and tactics and techniques, you can outsmart and outmanoeuvre those other ones. So you've already narrowed down, you've got less competition. But then if you're able to manoeuvre that competition and be better than them, then you have even less competition because what you're doing, even though you're marketing the same people, you're doing it much better. So you're blowing 'em out of the water, and that's where the real magic happens. Now, in terms of the niches that really suck and the ones you want to stay away from, I speak to way too many people and these are rules of thumbs. Now, I've worked with people in all of these harder niches and made it work and they're doing very, very well, but I want to give everyone kind of a general rules of thumb for when starting at one, you generally don't want to target anyone, any prospect that's younger than like 21, 22.

Why? Because they have less capacity to make their own financial decisions, and they have generally less available finance to afford certain things, just not at a level where they're earning capacity is high enough. Now, I had an online fitness business personally that targeted an age range of that, and it works phenomenally well, but there's certain nuances to make it happen. But when I, when I speak to a potential trainer wanting to go online, they're like, ah, I want to work with school kids 16, 17 because I've worked in schools here and there in person and I really know what I'm doing. It's like it's going to be pretty difficult because they don't have the finances in most cases, and B, they have to then ask their parents and you have to kind of convince two different people to get one uptake of a client. It just complicates the process.

And it can be much because really the person, your real customer is their parent. It's not the younger person, but you speak to the younger person who then needs to go through the parent to get investment. The other one is the other end of the spectrum. Anything above about 60, 65 is quite difficult to close as an online trainer because of their lack of want or need or motivational comfort in terms of using certain technologies. And so they will generally just push to what they know and what they're comfortable with. And that being an in-person trainer, so you've got the age brackets. Now, the key to those are kind like the key aspects. Now, really, you just got to think yourself based on that. Is my niche able to afford my services? Do they have computer phone access to technology? And they're open to using it?

Are they already spending money trying to solve this problem? It doesn't matter if it's in an online format, if it's with an in-person, trainer, if it's with a doctor, equipment, medications, whatever it might be, are they already investing to try and solve this problem? And time is usually a good one as well. Do they have a hard motivation to be successful now, for example, things like weddings, events, things like that can erases in terms of running coaches, marathons, ultras, all that sort of stuff. So competitions, events, certain dates, hard deadlines, holidays where people get hyper motivated to take action on saying it's coming up. Those all things can work. They're not a necessity, but just think of those kind of rules of thumb and seeing if you can tick off as many of those boxes as you can. It will generally mean there's a niche that is in the right place.

Now, as I said before, that'll get you to a niche level. How to really, really crack it is to go on a sub leash level, and that's like coming one level down from the niche. Most people will go no niche, and then level down from that, they'll go a standard general niche like busy professionals. That is not a good niche. That is not even a niche that is just someone just off the cuff, just making it up and just going, oh, well, busy professionals. That's not really a niche. There's no clarity to that or CEOs, there's no clarity to that. Someone's just saying, well, they have money, and so that's my niche. It's like, no, that's not really clarity to it. It's not going to cut through. You're not going to do it, right? So you've got no niches. Then you've got niches. Then you've got sub niches and sub niches, really where it's at at the moment for all the reasons I took you through before. So if you need any help on that, that's what we work with our clients with specifically helping build out that now the right niche, get a right communication that makes that niche want to be motivated. If you need help with that, you're stuck at these pieces, feel free to reach out. Hopefully this video has helped dial in this important piece for you. Cheers.

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