
What Is The Best Software For An Online Fitness Trainer?

What Is The Best Software For An Online Fitness Trainer?

Today's video, we're going to be going through what is the best software to deliver an online training service. What is the best way to deliver your online service so that once you do get a client, you are able to do it in the most time efficient way possible so you don't get bogged down in admin and you're not effectively selling time for money. As an online trainer moving away from in-person or face face services, you want to make sure that you're not still selling time for money in an online format. Otherwise, you're always going to be capped and not be able to scale or grow or hit the level of success that you should or the level of impact and reach that you should as well. Second to that is so the time efficiency and not sending you time for money. But second to that is delivering an amazing service that your clients actually love.

They want to follow, they find easy to follow, and as a result, they take action. They get amazing transformations, you get more testimonials, and they love you every minute of the coaching all the way through. They happily pay you what you are worth and then effectively want to resign and stick around with you long term. Because the key to any successful business is knowing how to get clients, but then thereafter, more importantly, how to deliver an amazing service to those clients so that you're not completely bogged down in unnecessary admin and they get an amazing service. They love it, they get amazing results, and they want to stick around and stay with you, right? Because it's of no use, just getting some clients and losing clients. You want to get great clients, you want to keep great clients and then get more clients, and that's how business rapidly grows.

So having these pieces ticked are really important. There's a lot of businesses out there. I see a lot of online trainers who get some clients and then don't have this stuff sorted and they either A get capped out at five or 10 clients and they're just manically working on their phone on the computer all the time, just hating the business because it's just so admin heavy if they're doing it wrong or B, they get a client and after three or four days, the client has no idea how to access the service, they don't like the service, and then they message through and say they want to quit in a refund, which is not what any of us want. So get this set up correctly. It's very, very important and it's an integral piece to your successes, an online trainers. So in terms of softwares, first and foremost, there are the standard kind of pre-built online trainer, online coach apps that are out there, right?

We've all probably heard of 'em, trainer eyes, my PT Hub, true Coach are probably my top three favourite at present. Now, there are probably, I could rattle off 10, 15 others. And the important piece to know is that most software businesses, they have competitors and they check out the competitors every day. And if a competitor launches something and it's completely awesome and everybody's loving it, one service has something amazing, the other softwares generally have the same. So the differences between all of the different options you can have, don't get lost in the detail of signing up to five, six different ones, trialling them all, seeing which one you love the most, whatever it might be, sign up to one or two if that. And just know that most of the services of the software, they're all the same. They might be 95% the same. Yes, there might be 5% nuances, differences.

If you find one and you feel like you are comfortable using it, then don't chop and change between because you're just slowing yourself down. But you need to have at least one software delivery format because I've had an online fitness business before, which was just like PDFs and spreadsheets and whatever, and it was just so much more admin heavy and less features for a client to enjoy in terms of movement, feedback, tutorials, videos, communication in terms of having it through the singular one format and then being able to tick off and see their progresses and what they're doing action wise. So I highly recommend them. They're extremely cheap. Most of 'em have a free 30 day trial. So pick one if you're really anxious about it, pick two. Try both for 24 hours, see which one feels more comfortable for you, and then just get rid of the other and just stick with that one.

So from a delivery perspective, they're really easy, they're really cheap, really cost effective. And don't let this piece hold you back from starting. So go forth. Don't, like I said, stick around trying five 10, not knowing which to do, and then getting that to hold you up. Just go for one at worst, try two for 24 hours, whichever one feels best and easiest for you to use, just stick with that one and get rid of the other one. Now, second to that, depending on whether you want to give nutrition advice, eating plans, whatever it might be. Now, most trainer eyes might PT help. They have some component to this. Now there's another software called Eat This Much, and you can go on there and literally it's free for most stuff. And you can put in clients the calories they want to hit, what foods they like, are they vegetarian, meat eater, fish eater, do they not like this?

Do not like this. And it will generally spit out an eating plan with certain recipes, breakdowns of all of that, and it's phenomenal. And if it spits out something and you know that they may not like that, you can take and swap a food out, you can swap a meal in, and literally it creates eating plans in five minutes, and you have so much customization to that. It's another great software if you want to add a slightly higher level service in terms of meal plans and eating specific down to how to cook them, ingredients required in each meals and all that sort of stuff. So check that out. Third piece is some online trainers like to have a coaching portal where they might have educational information, mindset components, whatever it is. Now, you don't have to have all of these. I'm just kind of take you through the maximum of what most people will have and ones the training.

Two might be nutrition, three might be other additional information, educational pieces, whatever it might be. Now, ClickFunnels and Kajabi are both really good platforms for that. They're very basic and simple. Now, if you'd like a template on any of that sort of stuff, you can email me. We give that to every one of our clients. Literally the cut and paste at three clicks, they have all this set up for them. So if you're getting bogged down in this area, this space, you need help, definitely feel free to reach out. And that's really it. Now, from there, you just want to be clear on what your service to your client. Generally when a client gets started, you're going to have parq, pre-questionnaire, an onboarding call, make sure you get all the details, then create the programme, an eating plan if that's what you do, so on and so forth.

And then set up a recurring schedule to speak to them. And I generally say from onboarding a 30 minute every two weeks call pre-scheduled is really, really good. And then day-to-day communication through the apps is where you want to be. Anything more frequent than that is overkill for you and for the client, and you actually devalue yourself. Now, there are some niches that need higher frequency, lower frequency than that. I'll give an example, an extreme example is prep. Leading towards the client might need to be touching base every day or two, tweaking their fluids, their salt intake, whatever it might be. But once again, that's at a very extreme level. But for most niches, every two weeks, a 30 minute call and then a check in through an accountability system, which once again is what we give to our clients is the nuances, the specifics to the best delivery formats, structure and software.

So hopefully this has helped give you some direction on what to do. If you're unclear on this, and if you are just doing it through spreadsheets or PDFs, move to one of these formats as quick as possible. You're going to half your workload and your clients are going to see twice as much perceived value in their eyes. They're going to love it more. They're going to implement more, get more results, and as a return of that, they're going to think you are doing an amazing job, happily pay you what you're worth. Stick around long-term and want to resign. So I hope this video has helped, and if you're stuck in this area, it helps get rid of this roadblock and keep moving forward. Cheers.

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