
The BEST Way To Launch An Online Fitness Business

The BEST Way To Launch An Online Fitness Business

In today's video, I'm going to be going through what's the best, the number one way to launch or relaunch depending on where you're at, your online fitness business so that you can come out the gate with success, as much success as possible. And as I mentioned, this is for you if you haven't launched online yet or you have launched online, you haven't really seen the successes you wanted and you feel like you've screwed it up, how to relaunch online and get the most success possible as well. Now, I'm going to preframe this and it is an important question. The question I get asked regularly, it's quite a common one, and I'm going to preframe this to say that there are certain ways that I guess, well, first and foremost, what is the ideal outcome that most people are looking for when they launch, whether they have been working on their business and they're too scared to launch because they don't want to screw it up?

I generally get this question from those people and they're kind of stay in the starting blocks and never get out of the gate. They're just worried they've done all this work, but they're worried they're not going to launch it in the right way possible and then it's all going to go to waste. Alternatively, they did launch and they just heard crickets, right? And they're like, I must've done something wrong. How am I going to redo this? This is generally going to get this question. Now, first and foremost, I guess what I do want to say is yes, the ultimate outcome for most people when they do launch is that they do the work, do whatever it is, then they take it to market, they launch it, and they have great success. Get loads of clients, get load of cashflow coming in, a lot of sales and new clients, and that's the ultimate outcome.

Of course. Now the biggest, and I'm going to take you through how to do that now, the biggest failure or biggest mistake I see most fitness experts, personal trainers, online coaches make around the launch is thinking that it is this stage in time in your business that is just so important and so critical. And if you stuff this up, everything else explodes, right? And I've spoken to a lot of trainers who launch and they're like, oh, and it didn't launch really well, so then I just put everything on hold until I could figure out what happened and maybe relaunch in a year or two. So what I want to do first and foremost is say that the launch, and I'm going to take you through how to be successful with the launch, but the launch, there's not a start and end date to it, if that makes sense. There's not this critical point in time that if you screw this up, everything past that, if this point in time fails, everything after that is a failure. So what I want to do is take the pressure off the launch period for those people that build up this massive pressure, and that's what causes them to never go live with it. And I want everyone to look at their business in this way.

It's not about how many clients and how much success and how much money you make at your launch right now you can have an amazing launch, you can have a sucky launch, but

The better thing between that, whether you have a great launch, whether you have a terrible launch, the most important thing is how is your success over the next 2, 3, 5, 10 years? And what I mean by that, lemme give you an example. Someone Trainer X comes out, launches, does a hundred thousand dollars in the first week, phenomenal killer launch, does $10,000, does $20,000, whatever it might be really good launch, everything's successful and they're feeling great. And then after that, they hit crickets. And the next five years they sell, they're lucky. If they do another a hundred thousand dollars over the next five years, that's failure, right? Because it's like you can have this amazing launch, but if you can't continue the success past that, then you don't have a great business. Now, trainer B, let's just give this as an example, goes to launch and does a thousand in sales and clients, but then from there, over the next five years goes on to do a million dollars, $2 million, $5 million, which one's more successful? Which one would you prefer to be? So the point I'm making, of course, we would all like to launch and do a hundred thousand dollars and then over the next five years do $5 million. That would be the ultimate outcome. But the point I'm trying to make is don't put the pressure on. The pressure shouldn't be on the launch. It should be on what happens after the launch for the next five, 10 years. Because effectively, we all want a business that gives us consistency, predictability, impact, and income over a long time.

Let me tell you, doing a launch and making a hundred thousand dollars and then nothing thereafter that ain't helping anyone. You're better off taking the pressure off the launch, getting it out to market in the right way, which I'm going to take you through in a sec. And then having something set up and putting really all your focus and all your energy to what happens after the launch. Right? Now, what I mean by that is I see a lot of people who spend so much time building up to the launch and doing all the marketing, everything ready, and it's just this one time thing. And they launch does well, they spend all this energy, all this time, all this focus to the launch. And then thereafter, they haven't spent any time or energy on the strategy thereafter, what's called evergreen, what's going to continue to get clients day in, day out, week in, week out, month in, month out.

Thereafter, they got so consumed on the launch. And I mean by that is I speak to some people and they're like, oh, I hired a videographer and I'm going to do this launch special and it's going to be 60% off for the first 202 people. I'm going to do all these giveaways, I'm going to do this, dah, dah, dah. And then they launch and it's like, all right, cool. So how much time and energy you spend on doing ads or you're doing your funnel and your evergreen stuff that's going to work every week thereafter. And it's like, oh, cool. So all those video and all that stuff you did, you now throw in the bin because you ding your launch and you can never use any of it again, right? That's not beneficial, that's not smart. Ultimately, we all want to do stuff once and be able to use that for life, and it continues to bring us value.

That's the ultimate outcome and the ultimate leverage for a business owner and entrepreneur and what we're all looking for. So I'm going to preframe and I'll get back to how to do the best launch, but what I want to do is pre-frame to say that, hey, don't get too consumed in your launch if you can go to market and don't. I'm not a huge fan of trying to build a launch offer, launch marketing, launch funnels, launch advertising launch, dah, because I've been there and done that. I've had businesses where I would have effectively challenges or launches and maybe that might be four or six times a year. And I've had other businesses that just get clients every single day. And let me tell you the ones where you are building up towards some type of launch and you're creating all this sort of stuff and it's like, I dunno, a Christmas launch, a Easter launch, a summer launch, whatever it might be.

And then as soon as that period's gone, you got to kind of throw everything you did in the bin and then work on the next thing. Whereas if you spend all that time and energy on building something that just works in every week, every month, doesn't matter what time it is, what season it is, what holiday it is, whatever it is, it is so much less work and so much more fruitful. So I'm not huge, a huge fan of trying to build launch marketing assets, and I much prefer everyone to be spending their energy and time on what's going to feed them for life and what's called evergreen, stuff that stays green forever, evergreen and continues to work week in, week out. Now that aside, if you can prioritise your evergreen stuff and what's going to work and then put 80% of your time and energy to that and maybe 10 or 20% of your energy and time to your launch, then fantastic.

And the best way to do a launch, which I'm going to take you through in a sec so you can have the most success. Now, once again, I'm not necessarily a fan of launch discounts and offers. I feel like they can devalue service, which you don't want to do, and it can then impact your sales thereafter, but you can do them effectively. I usually like to say that if you are going to do a launch and it's got some special reason that you do a discount or a offer or whatever it might be that's different to the norm, then make sure you're asking for something in return. And that means that you don't reduce the perceived value of your product or your service. What I mean by that is you might be like, Hey, I'm going to do 20% off. Don't ever do much. I'm going to do a 20% off launch offer for the first 10 people.

Have it as a limited format, always do it as high ticket, and I'll get to that why in a second. And I'm doing this for the reason of launch and looking to get 10 new testimonials to then use that for marketing for the product ongoing. So anyone of these 10 that come in and that I give you a 20% discount, you must also guarantee that once I get you to your goal, you'll send me a 62nd video testimonial, tag me through your journey, your results, so on and so forth. And I'm going to use that in my marketing. So by giving something but then asking for something in return, you're not devaluing a service. And it's just a general technique using negotiation, never give without getting otherwise. People are like, well, why are you just giving it mustn't be of much value, so that works really well and it doesn't devalue the service.

Now, ultimately, how best to launch having something like that, some offer like that, that is a reason to believe, a reason for works well, and you want to utilise all of the assets that you have in terms of your audiences where possible. Right now, organic is getting tighter and tighter. Less and less people are seeing what people are posting, and it's only getting worse and worse, but you can still use it. So what I mean by that is email lists, any social media platforms you've got any people that that have social media platforms that might want to share what you're doing, you can bring them into it, you can give them some revenue share of any sales they make, but ultimately I much prefer to do that plus some format of paid advertising to make sure it gets more reach because not many of us have 10,000 engaged ideal client social media audiences.

So most of us have fairly limited, and of those, most of them are not our ideal clients. So not many people are going to see your offer. Now, I do have four different techniques, these techniques absolutely pump for a launch. It's one called a survey syphon, one called a word of mouth explosion. I've also got a hit list technique and another one name escapes me for the time being that I give to all my clients. And these pump, they work really well. I have used them in over 400 businesses and it is literally unique to us. And we've proprietary worked these techniques out over the last five, six years in business doing $50 million all the way down to businesses doing $500 a month, you know what I mean? And they absolutely crank. They pump time and time again. Now, these techniques they give to all my clients, they work really well. If you are interested in any of these sort of techniques, you can send me a DM and I'm more than happy to take you through what they are. We've got some free trainings on some of 'em as well that I could give you some templates. So if you want that, you can DM me or you can email through [email protected].

And really it is about making sure you have everything packaged up in the right way, ready to go. So there's usually with a launch, there's like a pre-launch sequence to warm people up, get 'em excited. It's not just about just waking up one day and just putting out a post. The ultimate launch usually looks to be like a pre-launch sequence, which warms people up, gets 'em ready for it, the launch sequence, and then there's a post-launch sequence right? Now, I'm not going to get too complex here, but that's what a perfect launch looks like. Usually it's like a seven day warmup, pre-launch. A launch usually goes for about three days, and then a post-launch or what's called a second chance usually goes for seven days thereafter. Now, once again, if any of these are interesting to you, you can contact me and I can take you through more detail.

I don't want to complicate the process just yet, but we're talking about big launches here. Now, if you have a small product, a small audience, and you'd be happy just to get a couple of thousand dollars in clients in the first week, then that can be very simply done. But if you're looking to do, I've done launches up to $500,000 in three days, sorry, in three days of the sale period, seven day warmup, and then the final 20% in the seven days. So there's some real complicated strategy, advanced strategy you can do, but that's more for people that are looking to do massive numbers and who have a business in place already that allows them to be able to tap in to do those sort of massive numbers. But I would say for the most common people, and most of the everyday person like myself, really, if you're doing high ticket and you are charging anywhere between $1,500 to $5,000 per client, you're really looking to a successful launch for most people would be anywhere from $2,000 up to $20,000.

That would be a successful launch cashflow. Then you get clients coming in and then you can funnel a portion of that money you've made, let's say 20% of the money you've made. Let's say you do $10,000 funnel, $2,000 back in to then feeding with advertising, and then you're often racing. And that's really it. And that's the point I'm trying to make of, don't think the launch is what needs to feed you for the rest of your life. The launch is just there as a step to go to market, get validation, get some clients, get some cashflow. So you can take a portion of that and then feed that back into paid ads, which is what's going to feed you every day for life. The most important part from there. But that's generally how I like to tell people to approach launches. And once again, if you are charging high ticket, do not do low ticket.

If you're going to do a launch, I see people do a time and time again and they're like, got a $20 product, whatever, cool, you'll sell five of 'em. If you're lucky and you just made a hundred dollars, well that's cool, but you've spent a lot of energy and time to make a hundred dollars. Let me tell you, you probably made a loss, right? Whereas if you're charging a high ticket and you get rather than five sales at $20, you get two sales at 2000 each, that's $4,000. Very high cashflow, very high profitability. And then you can feed that back into your marketing and advertising thereafter to double that, triple that quadruple at 10 times that and go again and go again and go again. And that's effectively the most important part. So hopefully that makes sense depending on where you are at, what stage you're at. If you've got any questions for me, feel free to reach out. You can DM or email [email protected]. More than happily talk to you about that. And like I say, depending on where you're at, whether you're looking to do a launch for 2000 to $20,000 or a launch for half a million dollars, I can definitely help you out depending on where you're at, on what end of the spectrum you are. So feel free to reach out. That's it for me. Bye for now.

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