
Do You Need A Funnel To Get Online Fitness Clients?

Do You Need A Funnel To Get Online Fitness Clients?

Do you need a funnel? Now, first and foremost, the reason why this is important is I get asked this question all the time. Hey Chris, do I need a funnel? What type of funnel? What should I do? What software tech do I need to set it up? I'm not good at tech, I don't like tech. I'm a little bit stuck with my funnel, that's why I haven't launched yet, so on and so forth. So it's a common question mainly as a result of people not understanding what funnels are or there is just so many different types of funnels that it actually stops and blocks people actually moving forward in their journey of growing their business. So whether it's tech overwhelm or fear or fear of failure and having the wrong funnel, it generally causes a lot of people to either do nothing, get stuck in confusion and just go, you know what? Not even going to go down that path. Or they just get frozen at the starting blocks and just think about it, think about it, think about it, and spend all of their energy on thinking rather than actually doing an actioning.

Or alternatively, they go down the path, they try some software, some funnels, whatever it might be, and feel like it just becomes too hard or they launch it and they don't get the result. So they kind of go back and go, mustn't be the right one. And then they get into that endless loop of try something new, doesn't work, go back, find something new, try that doesn't work, and then just this endless loop, which is not a good spot to be in. So ultimately, in answer to the question, do you need a funnel to get clients these days? Now the direct answer is no. You don't actually need a funnel to get online clients in 2024 right now. The better probably way of answering the question is to automate a business and get clients on autopilot consistently. Yes, you do need a type of a funnel right now.

You can get clients without a funnel and generally we'll take a step back. What's the benefit of a funnel? A funnel is in essence a sales conversation, sales process done through a system rather than done through yourself manually. So effectively, let's just say for example, someone jumps into a first page of a funnel. They read some stuff about it, they watch a video where it might be they go to the next step. They might book in a call, fill out a form, answer some stuff about themselves and get filtered every step of the way. And so really the funnel is just taking a sales process or a sales conversation and automating it through system so it doesn't actually take any of your time. So rather than you communicating about what you're do and why it's great a video might that you've

Done or a page with some texts on it might or an ad or a post, and then that'll go through to a calendar rather than you having to manually find a time with the person. And then that'll get 'em to fill out some questions so that they can filter themselves out if they're a good prospect or a bad prospect and cancel a call or keep the call rather than you having to manually do that. So you don't need a funnel. But once you get to a certain level, if you want to have it more hands off, more automated, and effectively be more leveraged with your time and grow to a certain level, there will be a time where you will want and need a funnel because as I said before, the funnel takes a lot of work off your hands, stops you from doing a lot of it manually, which takes time.

And so if you've only got this much time in the day when you're getting your first few clients, well you've got lots of time. So you don't necessarily need a funnel, you've got lots of time, but as you get more clients, your time gets more limited. And so then you want to cut away. The only way you can grow is getting your time back. And that's through systems and funnels, right? So it is pretty critical at a certain stage. Now, the additional thing I'd like to talk about here is you don't need a complicated funnel. And this is something extraordinarily important. The most reason that people want to stay clear of funnels is because of two things. One complexity to set it up and just so many moving parts, it just fry your brain. So you just give up. And two, so many different types of system that it's so expensive, you have to have all of these different systems, PEs, all these subscriptions.

It's too expensive of a cost when a business is first starting out and doesn't have that much profit. So they're extremely complicated funnels out there that get someone in and try and turn that person into a client in like a 45 day, 60 day period. Not only do they not work these days, they used to, right? When people's attention spans used to be higher and they weren't getting bombarded with things, you could warm a prospect up over a 30, 40, 60 day period before they'd buy something from you and they would read emails, they would engage with things, whatever it might be, and that was cool back then. But now attention spans have gone down. People are getting bombarded with things, open rates of emails, sequences, all that sort of stuff have just plummeted. So in actual fact, a complicated funnel doesn't work as well anymore anyway.

And it's harder to set up and takes more time and takes more expertise. So in actual fact, the good news is all you need is a very simple fast funnel and you need to be able to have something that actually works that gets someone from their first engagement through to wanting to book a call and become a client in the fastest amount of time as possible, which is great for you and it's great for them. And long gone are the days where you would give something out like an ebook or whatever, and then have a thousand emails automation sequence in a group and a challenge and a this and a that. And then expect the person after they've just consumed all this great value to them want to buy from you in six days time. It doesn't work like that anymore. And not only does it not work, it takes so much effort, so much energy to build things like that.

And I can understand why some people who go down that path do it, get little results and then just get so frustrated because it's so hard to do and then it doesn't work and that's the worst outcome possible. So it's actually better in actual fact, to be lazier with your funnel, have a simpler funnel and one that works fast. And ultimately in today's times, if you don't have a prospect's attention and wanting them to become a client of yours within maximum two or three days of the first engagement maximum, two or three days, they're gone. They're gone, they've moved on something different and they're not going to interact with your stuff as much and they've gone on and probably bought one of your competitors programmes. So you need to have something that moves them fast through the process and it's great for them. That's what works these days.

And it's great for you because you get a client faster. You don't have to wait as long the time between an initial engagement and then becoming paying clients faster for you. So there's a faster return and ultimately is less cost, less time and less complexity for the business owner, which is great. So effectively you just need the right thing that works that fast tracks people from not knowing you or being very cold through to being hot and wanting to buy from you, right? Knowing what you do, wanting what you do, and wanting to speak to you about it to get your specific help. So ultimately my coach freedom system is exactly that, and that's something we've been working with and evolving over the past seven or eight years. What it was eight years ago is very different to what it is today. As I mentioned, things have changed, things have evolved, and they will continue to evolve like anything in life.

And so the coach freedom system or funnel that we have that we give to all of our clients is exactly that. It is the fastest, simplest way to get someone who has engaged with something of yours who is an ideal prospect. You've got your message in front of the right type of person, an irresistible message to get 'em through and fast track them through to wanting to become a paying client of yours and actually get your services and get you to change their life. So if you are at that stage and you're really wanting someone to automate the process and order, pilot the process, I highly recommend reach out. You can DM me or you can email [email protected]. That's dot co, not COM. And I'll happily take you through our system, how it works, the funnel that literally we will take the tech headache off your hands and help you build it and plug it straight into your business so that there is no lost time and frustration in trying to become like a IT genius.

You don't need to be right. What you need to do is stay in your zone of genius and you need to have something that gets people who are your ideal clients coming through, warmed up, knowing what, and then wanting to get onto a conversation with you about your service and becoming a client as fast as possible. So if that sounds of interest and that's what you're looking for, I implore you to reach out. So no use testing every funnel out there, especially if you don't like tech, you're only going to get stuck in the weeds and end up just floundering around and spinning your wheels and not actually moving forward. So if that's of interest, definitely reach out to us, we can talk you through it, we can give you some free tips, we can talk about the coaching, how it works, how we can set up the funnel for you, instal it specifically into your business for you uniquely, and all of the things from A to Z on how they go to that.

So if that sounds of interest, definitely reach out. You can email [email protected]. You can go to our website and reach out through there. You could DM me. But either way, make sure you steer clear of complicated funnels with multiple steps and huge long delays of warming prospects. They do not work anymore. And I hope by following this advice, you're going to save yourself a whole lot of time, a whole lot of energy, money, and pain in the process. Well, so that's it from me. If any of that team, just feel free to reach out and hopefully this helps save you a lot of time and energy and pain. If you were about to or in the middle of building a complicated funnel, stop it, throw it straight in the bin, and you've got to go for something very simple that literally just fast tracks prospects through the process.

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