
The #1 Biz Growth HACK For Online Trainers & How To Pick A Coach That’s Best For You

The #1 Biz Growth HACK For Online Trainers & How To Pick A Coach That’s Best For You

Now in today's video, I'm going to take you through the number one biz growth hack. This is, will never, ever fail you, right? This is something that is quite simple but extraordinarily powerful in every single time I've done it in my business, I've grown, right? Um, from the, and then the business has grown like me personally. I've grown and the business has grown. And, um, every single time someone does this thing, they will have more success in their business. Full stop. Like it's unfavourable, and I'll explain why. In addition to that, I'm gonna take you through, um, I guess my learnings of, of coaches that I've taken on throughout my journey and my process and why it's important to have a coach, but why it's important to pick the right coach for you. Now, there are some amazing coaches out there, some terrible coaches out there.

Obviously the terrible ones are terrible, you'd stay clear off. Um, but there's some amazing coaches out there. And what I've found through my journey, through my process is, um, you need to find the amazing coach, but not only amazing coach. You need to find the right coach that suits what you are looking for, what you need to do. And I'll go through that so that you can learn through my journey, my mistakes that I've made when I've had good, um, experiences, uh, lesser, I've never had bad experiences, but lesser good, if that's a better word, experiences and the commonalities that I've found through it. And that's what allows me to pick moving forward. So I guess in terms of the number one hack to, to business growth is investing in yourself. Now, this is gonna sound really, um, straightforward, very simple, right? And it's also gonna potentially for some people with, ah, yeah, Chris, you, you're a coach and you, you, you, you're gonna explain why it's important to invest in themselves and, and get coaching.

Now, um, that's not the, that's not the point of this video at all. First and foremost, every single high performing person on the world has a coach, right? Uh, we've all heard the sayings of Tiger Wards, um, you know, Michael Jordan and so on and so forth. They all have coaches, they've all had coaches, they all have multiple coaches. And, uh, before I had my first online fitness business and grew up to Moon, I was lucky to be around a lot of successful people. And there was a time where I was in kind of like a boardroom meeting with, uh, a handful of like eight, uh, eight and nine figure earning businesses, business owners, right? And I was kind of just able to be a fly on the wall. I was luckily lucky enough to be in the room, not as a contributor because I, I hadn't had the success or even close to success they had, but I was part of the team of someone. And so I was able to sit there and just kind of sit back and listen, hearing what they're saying, see what commonalities we couldn't. This meeting went over about a

Year, uh, an hour and, uh, almost two hours. And there was a couple of different people from different businesses and literally, um, for two hours, all they talked about is, oh, um, ha had you tried this coach? I did this programme, I did that programme. I had this coach. I got, I learned this from that one, I learned this one from that one. What about you? Ah, you've tried him. Did okay, cool her, whatever it might be. And I, I, I kind of sat back thinking, I would've thought over two hours, you know, highly successful people, quite busy. People would've had more important things to talk about or more pressing things to get to, but for them, they slated all their other meetings, all their other things, to be able to sit in this room with other business owners to talk about their experiences of coaches that have tried what they've done, what they've learned and their journey through it.

And it didn't hit me till after the meeting of like, Hmm, okay, well we just spent two hours with some extraordinary successful people. And all they talked about is all of the different things they had invested in, all the things they'd tried, and the ones that they'd got amazing, um, uh, experiences with and other ones they've gotten subpar experiences with, but still learn things and will still valuable. And the other thing I learned, so, so 0.1 was that highly successful people continue to invest in themselves all the time, all around in all different areas and skillsets that they want to grow. They, they highly successful people are hell bent on continual growth, contin, continual personal growth and continual business growth, right? And there's a saying that your business only grows as far as you grow, right? And being a ceo, being ahead of your business, it is nothing more true than that.

That if you are capped, your business will be capped because you are in the driver's seat of the business. The business doesn't run itself right. It, it is a replication of you, right? Uh, a mirror image of you. And if you are lacking in certain areas that your business will be lacking in those same sort of areas. And when, like, I speak to business owners and, and they're like, ah, it's hard to find staff and it's hard to do this. And, um, employees are pain in the asses and I'm always firing along them cuz they're doing bad things. Whether it's like, when I hear that it only comes from people who do not have the skill or knowhow to hire great people, keep great people in, incentivize and motivate great people and see how amazing that piece of a business can be when you have the skill people who say that are, who are lacking the skill and don't have the capacity to look inwards and go, I'm lacking that skill.

The business sucks in that area because of me, because I, I suck in that area. And so I'm going to work on and go out there and get, uh, the, the skill to be able to do that and fix that problem rather than just blaming it on other people, right? So the the point I'm trying to make is that highly, highly successful people are continually evolving, continually growing and getting feedback from those above right now, whether that's light years above them or slightly above 'em, and I'm gonna get to that in a sec. Now, that's 0.1. Point one is, is highly successful people are always continuing to grow, always looking to get more information, um, from people who are above 'em, right? And, and, and shortcut the process rather than trying to figure out all, all on their own. Um, and they are hell bent on this and they will do it again and again and again and again.

Always see it is a positive process. And since that date of learning that that, that, um, I guess that secret, I have continually done the same. And every single time I invest in a coach in help every single time, whether it's like I'm like, this was the best coaching thing I've ever had so far, or when I've invested in something, I said, yeah, it was good. I got some stuff from it, but it wasn't exactly a hundred percent what I was hoping for. Even then I've way than made back more than more my, more, more than my investment every single time. And, um, the point being is that any type of coaching and help and support where you're getting, you know, whether you're getting 10% of what you hoped or a hundred percent or what you hoped you are, you are moving forward, you are always going to be more successful.

Right? Now, choosing the right coach is, um, or, or, or, or choosing the right coach for you is, is very important. I'm gonna get that in a sec. But the second piece to why, um, everybody has growth in their business when they invest in a coach or get coaching or get help, right? It doesn't necessarily have to be coaching, but just investing in themselves, investing in the business, whether that's, um, going out and, and getting a a, a lease, whether that's going out and, um, bringing on a, a new employee, whether that's like the employee might, if you don't have the skillset set to get them successful, then, you know, that's a different story. But the mindset of going, you know what, I'm going to take a leap of faith to, to evolve and go outside where I currently am to grow right? Now, the reason why investing yourself always, and especially coaching always allows you to go to another level is because, um, internally forget the coaching.

Forget the coach, forget before you even open up the first training or co or, or, or whatever the coach does with you as soon as you make that purchase, right? As soon as you invest and ideally you're investing more than what you invested last time. And it's, it's a process of, of levelling up every time you invest. As soon as you pay and you get that receipt internally, what you're saying to yourself is, a, I'm backing myself, right? I'm gonna make this happen and b um, I'm of higher worth now. And what I mean by that is like, that's why I said investing slightly higher reach time. If you invest 5K in getting help, right? And you've never done it before, you, you level up cause you're like, ah, um, I just paid this person 5k and their coach, right? So it must work, it must happen.

There must be coaches out there to getting this day in and day out, right? Um, so as a result, if I'm charging two k, three K 4k prior to that, I might have been afraid, right? From a mindset perspective or the belief of do people actually pay that? I'm about to get coaching, whatever. And as soon as you do it, you're like, yes, people do it and I've paid more than what I'm gonna ask for my clients. And so, um, like I've invested myself and it, it's like, it's totally, um, unethical to get a client to invest in you when you won't invest in yourself. And that's, a lot of people get this imposter syndrome that kind of holds them back when they're like trying to go out there and get clients, but they're not open to investing in themselves or getting coaching themselves, right?

And you might do all of the things, right? You might have all the right sales scripts or whatever, but it's, it's the internal, um, belief that kind of comes through in your tonality and everything. That is what causes you to have lack of lesser success than you should, right? And as soon as you like take a leap of faith and you put your money where your mouth is and you value yourself, then everything just flows down and that that self-belief piece just falls into place. Cuz you're like, well, I did it. You know, why shouldn't someone else, right? Whether it, like, if they're paying a slightly lower level, for example, to get your help, and also like, it gives you more belief that, um, when you get a client, right? You're like, well, I I paid 10 K to this coach, right? And this, this client's gonna pay me two or three K, they're gonna get essentially all the things I've learned from a 10 K coach for three K.

So the value of this is, is phenomenal. And so when you get on a sales call, you have this complete belief and just comes through and you'll end up closing more, right? In addition to that, right? You, you, you, you, you have an external motivator and that's, I've just invested, I've just backed myself. I need to make this investment work, right? And we all need, like, we're all internally motivated, right? We're all motivated people, uh, we get up, we train, we do whatever. But there's times where an external motivation as well as an internal motivation really allows you to go to that next level, right? Because you're like, I've put it out to the universe, I've done this, I need to make this happen, right? And, and that's an external motivator. So when you are, when you are like a little bit tired and, and usually you'd be like, you know, I'll do it tomorrow, I'll do it tomorrow, whatever.

You're like, no, like I'm all in on this coaching and it's over the next 60 days, 90 days, 30 days, whatever it is. Um, and so I'm gonna double down, I'm gonna focus and it helps you break through, um, mindset plateaus and energy plateaus and really drill down and focus. And generally as a saying when, where focus goes, cash flows, right? Where focus goes, cash flows. So, um, all of these pieces together is why every single time a person gets a coach and commits to, to coaching has a levelling up in their business. And this is aside from anything you get from the coach, this is like before you even start the coaching, right? So that's what I mean by if you, um, get a coach and you only get 10% of what you were hoping from 'em in terms of like, um, they weren't a perfect personality fit or whatever it might be, you're still gonna get mammoth return on your investment.

Right? Now, where the sweet spot comes is picking, um, a great coach, right? There's, there's lots of great coaches out there, but there's then there's not just finding a great coach, it's finding the great coach for you, right? And that's what I meant about earlier. Now, I've had a lot of coaches that a lot of different experiences and all of 'em have been great, right? And they've all been successful, more successful than me. And there's two pieces that I generally look for now when I'm looking for a new coach, um, through experiences I've had and what I've learned through the, through the process, there's two pieces. One, um, is what this coach does, um, and does really well, better than me, is that something that would suit me and my personality and my vibe. Now there's been times where I've had coaches and they're amazing and they were doing really good and, but the strategy and the process and and how they attacked things, um, just wasn't a really a personality fit for me.

Like they were more, I'm probably a little bit more introverted than, than some people. And the coach was a little bit more extroverted, right? And so as a result, they did things, uh, that would, would suit that desk personal skillset better than my personal skillset. Now, I still got amazing, um, stuff from it and I, I purposely went into the most recent coaching or second most recent coach knowing that they're different than me. And sometimes it's good to get around people that are better at things than what you are. Like where you are, where you are strong, find out where you're weak, and get people strong where you're weak. And so you can get that exposure to build up your weakness, right? So it was still phenomenal, right? And like I said, I still got a, a massive return on investment and the things I learned where I was weak, um, in my skillset was really, really good.

Now, in addition to that, finding coaches that are above you, right? But do exactly what you want to do and what's a perfect fit for your personality style. There's kind of similar to your personality style, time and time again, what I've found that, um, I almost get like a twofold benefit because it's like everything that they do, I can just replicate and it just fits to my skillset. And it's like a hand in glove perfect fit, right? And so rather than getting like a, uh, a hundred percent return on investment, I'll get a 200% return on investment or 300% because it's just a, a perfect fit, right? Um, now all types, unless you're getting the worst coach, like don't get bad coaches who are just like working outta their grandma's garage and they've just turned up a day ago and they did like a, a marketing course over the weekend and now they're their coaches, right?

That's, we're putting that aside. But if, if you find good coaches, right? If they're not your personality and you're wanting to grow in that skillset, all right, cool, right? And I've done that per, uh, purposely and I've done that un purposely in the past and I've learned, okay, go look for those in your skillset. But there's been times where I've gone, all right, I wanna get outside of my skillset and get stronger around that and then I'll, I'll I'll go there. Um, second point, ideally try and find like if there's an area that you are strong in and it suits your personality, but you don't have like place where you need to grow in terms of your knowledge, then find a coach that kind of suits your personality style, your vibe, whatever it might be. Um, in addition to that, there's also the final piece.

So that's kind of piece one, finding a coach purposely, are you getting this coach? Cuz they're where you are strong and they just know more than you are able to take the next level and you be able to a hundred percent replicate 'em or are they where strong, where you are weak and you are just trying to build up your weakness, your, your weak area and get outside of your comfort zone. That's 0.1. Now, 0.2 is how far ahead should the coach be of you? Now I've had coaches that are like doing a hundred million a year when I was doing um, a hundred thousand a year, right? Um, and I've had coaches that were doing like 2 million year when I was doing a million a year for example. Um, and generally when you find a coach who's closer to where you are, um, like for example, if you are doing a hundred thousand dollars a year and you find a coach who's doing a million a year, um, or or half a million a year close to where you are, they will have more recently gone through the journey you are gonna go through.

So they're gonna know the, the, the traps and deal with things more recently, right? Whereas if you are doing a hundred thousand a year and you get a coach that's doing a million, a hundred million a year, like they would've gone through your journey maybe three, four years ago and they, they are now dealing with a hundred million dollar problems rather than a hundred thousand dollars problems. And so there'll be a gap like they've gone through the journey and they'll be able to go, Hey, I did this and this and this and this, and then you still get phenomenal, phenomenal, um, stuff. Um, but they might have slightly less, um, uh, nuances in terms of filling the gaps of like going from a hundred thousand to 200,000 today. Cause they, they did it a long time ago and that's not what they deal with today, for example.

Um, so that's the positive of finding someone that's slightly ahead of you. Now, the positive of finding someone that's way ahead of you, um, I I fell into a trap where I, I continually got cautious, but it was just slightly ahead of me. And it was cool because it allowed me to make, uh, fast quick jumps, uh, quick small jumps in growth, right? And then, um, I was like, you know what, I'm going to get a coach that's way, way, way ahead of me. And although that they ha they are a weaker on filling in the nuances of, of like the small jumps of where you are today, they are able to foresee the problems and the solutions that will come in your business in a month, in six months, in a year, in two years. And so rather than like building the business to go from there to there, they will go, okay, well rather than go from there to there, you're gonna have that problem.

And I, I went there and that sucked. So you're better off, like it's easier if you just go from there to there with this thing for example, right? They'll be able to for, uh, foresee what's gonna happen after step one. So like what's gonna happen in step two, step three is step four, step five and set you up. So step 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 is successful, not just step one, right? So the point being is, um, there are different coaches for different things and all of 'em have their own strengths and there's a couple of tips there on, you know, how to decide which one's the best. Next one for you, next one. But know that you're always going to continue to invest and continue to get coaching. And it's all about like, it's okay if you get one that's just ahead of you knowing that the next one you're gonna get's gonna be way ahead of you and you're going to be able to taste both of that and get the yield from both of it.

Um, and I, I guess it's not about, um, making one coaching investment and thinking that that's gonna turn you to a billionaire and that'll be it. So don't fear investing in yourself, um, and don't think, oh, I've gotta look around and search and research and spend the next years trying to find the best coach cuz like, this is like a a a make or break decision. Um, whatever it might be. All successful people have had multiple, multiple coaches continue to have multiple, multiple coaches and it, and it is a journey and you always pick up little things from every single one of them and you will grow from every single one of them, right? And it's, it's, it's, that is the journey, that is the process. Uh, some will stick better than others, but you will always learn and grow from every single piece, whether it's just, as I said, the first second of just self-belief of complete, increased perceived value in yourself and how it sounds so mumbo jumbo, like so stupid.

But like literally if like, if you were charging, I'm gonna make this up, you're charging a hundred bucks, right? And you're like, oh, that's all anyone can pay, and then you go get a coach and you pay them 10,000, right? That instant you're gonna be like, well, um, it'll break your belief system into people only pay a hundred and you'll literally go back to the computer or whatever the next day and you'll be like, well, I'm increasing my prices from a hundred to 500, for example. And there'll be no other reason other than you just invested in yourself and then you get on the next call and you'll start selling at 500, for example, like a fivefold increase and you just be like, I should have done this all along. But it's just the self-belief that, hey, I've just done it. Well, my client should do it.

And, and it's the, the, um, being ethical in regards to investing yourself, asking someone to invest in you in, in a higher price. So hopefully that makes sense. Hopefully those tips, uh, if you are in the process of getting coaching help or you are toing and froing, whether you actually need it, uh, or want it or whether it's a, a, a great, uh, move. Like there's been times where I'm like, oh, in the early days where I'm like, well, rather than spending um, X dollars on this coach, I could just put that into ads and, you know, I'd probably get a better return. It's like, no, it's not true. Uh, time and time and time again I've been in that process, I've gone through, I've made that mistake. Um, know that investing yourself, getting education from people who are ahead of you is the number one thing that all successful people do and continue to do.

So hopefully that makes sense. Um, if you've got any questions for me on any of that, you can hit me up, Chris at tribe fit dot CO's my email, you can hit me up on any of the socials. Um, yeah, very, very, uh, important one top of mind for me. And I hope that this like, um, how to categorise what's, to what's there to make the next best move for you, um, helps you in your, in your process. One, knowing that you need to invest in yourself and two, which, and how to choose, um, to give you the confidence to move forward. So hopefully that makes sense. Any questions, hit me up. Um, and we'll be speaking soon. That's it from me. Bye for now.

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