How To Make High Priced Online Training Seem CHEAP!
In today's video, I'm going to take you through the strategies, tactics on how to present your service as an online coach.
And you be able to charge high ticket prices between $1,500 up to $5,000. We've even got some clients charging up to 7K for 12 week packages. And, how you can communicate it to a prospect and make them realize that is cheap in comparison to what they're currently doing.
Now, the common issue I see with trainers is when they hear that they should be chasing their sort of process, like "oh it sounds too expensive" or when they speak to prospects, they aren't able to close the prospects because the prospects feel that the value - they're going to get is not worth that much money, now the easiest way to communicate is like Apples to Apples right now the amount of times I speak to trainers.
And, when I say "oh you should be charging 1,000 2K 3K for 12 weeks" they're like "ah sounds expensive" but then when you break it down this specific way which I'm about to show you... you'll realize not only one internally yourself be absolutely committed to be a to charge those prices and having absolute belief in it but two being able to communicate that to a prospect, so that they actually see that it's cheaper than what they've potentially been doing and it is an easy sell right now one the the most simplest way to communicators as an online trainer you're effectively selling a result rather than a time so you're not getting paid $50 to $100 for an hour session when you're doing that, you're effectively setting yourself up so it is like you're selling your time, the one hour now, if you work with them for 50 minutes, or you work with them 58 minutes, they're going to feel like a I paid for 60 minutes and, I missed out on those two last minutes, so they're so hung up on the time they're buying rather than the result as an online trainer.
When you're pitching things, you want to be pitching everything as the result over that time frame so it's like = all right cool we're going to work together for 12 weeks. You're going to get this result, I'm going to get you that result, so on so forth, so first and foremost, it is the way you promote or pitch your service in terms of the result rather than the time.
Now that's all good and done, the reason why I started, that's the most important piece if you're not doing that, you must transition doing this to doing that format now secondary to that when you get to a price point.
One, say this to yourself and so that way you have absolute belief when you communicate it that belief will transfer over to your prospect and you'll get more closes.
Two, if you ever get a prospect that says "oh that sounds a bit expensive" you can break it down in this way and that'll flip their mind completely so that they realize that it's actually really cheap now. Ultimately when I speak to trainers and they're like "oh 1,500 sounds expensive 2,000 sounds expensive" I break it down this way I say "Okay cool so as a in-person trainer how much do you currently charge?" and they might say "$50 for a 45 minute session" right, for example you know there's some parts of Australia other countries that can charge why up to high end and something dollars for a 45 or an hour session now in some parts of the the world the country you've got lower affluent areas that are charging $50 for an hour session, now I'm going to pick somewhere halfway between that just to show the math and then you can relate this to what you charge. So let's just say for example, I was speaking to trainer I say "so how much do you charge per 1 hour session?" they say "I charge $50" or "I charge $70" let's make it easy for an hour now if a prospect was to walk into the gym today say "Hey I want to lose 10 kilos and I want to do that the next 12 weeks" how often would you say to that Prospect they need to see you in person at least to start to see result? how many times per week would they need to see you in person to do a 1 hour session? right now the absolute minimum if you're actually truthful to the client or the prospect you'd be like look you probably need to see me at least three times a week right so three 1 hour sessions per week at minimum might even be four or five times a week for them to actually lose the weight and move forward. Now, if they're coming and seeing you once a week, twice a week, and that's the only movement they're doing, they're not really going to see much of a result, so in most cases three times kind of like your minimum five times the upper end but let's look at 3 x 4 so for that person to come into the gym and do a one-on-one in person session with you and you charge $75 what's do for a mass $70 per session and they need you to a minimum of three times.
How much does that work out per week 70? $140? $210? a week right, just to come in and work out with you for 3 hours three 1 hour blocks over a week right and maybe you know some clients might want to do 4 or 5 so even more that's $210 on a mid level per hour on that client would pay now if in the online world, if you're charging say $1,500 for 12 week package. For the lack of math off the top of my head right now it's somewhere above $100 would be $1,200 over 12 weeks. So let's call it 110, 120 x 12 weeks would be 500, is there or there abouts, I'm just making it up, don't quote me on the math, so to see someone three times a week for an hour to train, they come in, they clock on, they do the Reps, they do the workout, they walk out the door, don't get to see the trainer again, they don't get you know what happens in between, all these times what are they eating, what are they doing, what is so on so forth, they're going to pay $210 for that, as an online trainer you can give them a program, a package accountability check-ins, you can give them nutrition guidance, they could have a workout plan that they could do each day, or walking, or whatever it might be that Suited, to suiting their goals - they would also have the accountability, they would also have potentially, if you did this, as an online trainer what to eat, what not to eat, so that they're able to FasTrack their results and, get better results now. Think to yourself which client would get the better result out of the two? The one that sees a personal trainer for three 60 Minute sessions; Monday, Wednesday, Friday, clocks in, clocks out, who knows what they do in between the sessions? what they eat between the sessions? they're paying $200 $210 a week or the one that gets like an eating plan, check-ins accountability workout program that they can do whether that's like in gym, at home, whatever it might be and, that's only Charge it's only costing like 110 120 a week right? one's a more holistic service that's actually going to get a better result.
The other one's every minute in terms of what it actually does with the client and it's the online trainers effectively half the weekly price. right now forget if the person wants to go see the trainer four or five times a week, is way more expensive, so as you can see $1,500 even up to 2K for 12 weeks as an online trainer you can generally deliver a better service.
Because you can help the person not just during the sessions but all the stuff in between, it's going to Fast Track their getting result and is actually cheaper than what it would cost them to see an in person trainer and get you a third of the service the help and, the result, so it's very easy. Once you break it down in that way to go yeah it's actually cheap have absolute consistent confidence in pitching at those prices yourself. Because, you're already comparing to something you're already doing right, if you're an in-person trainer and you're just relating Apples to Apples, and you're seeing which is the best value for the client for the Prospect, and once again it's going to give you confidence in you're pitching and if you ever have a prospect that says "oh I don't know about that price" you can break it down that way and it's so logical for them to go yeah I'm getting effectively more I'm going to get a better result and it's actually cheaper and that's why online training is growing so much, and that's why there are so many people moving away from an in-person trainer to a more holistic service that allows them to get better results and effectively can turn out cheaper but at the same time allow the online trainer to have massive Leverage earn great amount and not be selling their time for money.
Hopefully, this tip gives you the confidence to be able to charge what you're worth as an all trainer and if you ever run into this objection for a prospect allows you to break that down move through that objection and bring them on as a client and change their life. Cheers!