Struggling To Get Clients & Grow Your Online Training Or Coaching Biz Here's Why — TribeFit Blog


Struggling To Get Clients & Grow Your Online Training Or Coaching Biz Here's Why

Struggling To Get Clients & Grow Your Online Training Or Coaching Biz Here's Why

Hi, everybody. Chris Lynton here from TribeFit. Hopefully, you are well. Give me a second while I make sure everything's up the right way. And at the same time, that'll give some time and faces to jump in on today's session. Hopefully, you're all well. Lovely to see so much energy, so many new faces here and everything is looking up the right way, which is fantastic. If you're watching this as a live, hashtag live down below. If you're watching this as a replay, hashtag replay down below. See if we can get a good mix of faces from all around the world, jumping in on this session. As you can see, I'm back in Australia. I was in Europe for three and a half months. This is our Australian office. There's the view of the Sydney City just there. This is my office, this is my balcony, and this is what it looks like in good old Australia. There are all our new Double Comma awards right there. 1, 2, 3, 4.

Ethan, lovely to see you there. Anyone set, give me a thumbs up, make sure you can give me loud and clear. And we're going to dive into today's session. We've got a couple of faces here, which is amazing. If you've got any questions whatsoever, comment down below. If anything resonates, thumbs up. If you can hear me loud and clear, let me know. Comment live down below if you're here, if you're watching the replay, replay, comment that down as well. I've got some amazing stuff I want to take you through today, Sean. Noted, well done. Appreciate it. Once again, these things here are a lot of people that get all excited about them. A lot of coaches get excited about them. I had someone come up to me today like, Oh man, it's amazing. You've got Double Comma awards, I'd love to get one and all that sort of stuff.

And look, it's kind of cool in a way. But what's more cooler is the client results, we get. Not my business and the results. That's kind of a result of the revenue I've been able to do in my business. But I've only able to do that because I'm able to help so many clients in their business and that's what's more important. What's more important than those things for me is our testimonial wall. The results we get for our clients, we got the biggest and the fastest growing industry and that is what I hold closest to my heart. Not these things. Literally I could give them away. I haven't even got them up on the wall, they're just on a desk cause I can't be bothered. Cause I'm more focused on getting our clients results.

Now Sean to know there agree, love to see you agree with me on that one. Today I'm going to take you through a tip of the week. Anyone that's there live, if you've got any questions on anything unrelated, I'm here for free for you. Comment down below, I'll answer any questions, any roadblocks you've got, any help you need, comment down below. I've got about 15 minutes here, about 12 minutes more before I need to jump on another session with some clients. Help them kick massive goals. And look, you've probably seen the results. You've probably seen the testimonial wall. You've probably seen everything that we put in here. You know this works. That's proof that we're able to grow businesses, get leads, get clients. So if you need help in any way, shape or form, and that's what I'm here for, this group is free. Get the free help you need, move you forward.

And then really you might be thinking, Why the hell would you do that, Chris? Well look, it's kind of like an ethical bribe in an ethical way. If I can help you grow your business, then when you want help to go even further next level and you're able to invest in a coach or a mentor, well more than likely you're going to come see me because I've already helped you for free and that's why I give my time here. And that's why I'm happy to give you all the help you need for nothing back in hope that when it does come time to wanting to get further help, actual coaching, mentoring to go next level, you'll come see me. And I think that's a fairly fair deal.

Cool. So today's video I'm going to take you through, are you struggling to get leads? Are you struggling to get clients? And are you struggling to grow your online coaching or fitness business? This is exactly why. I'm going to pinpoint out what are the reasons that you're struggling, how to fix them specifically and how to get you moving forward further. I just had a request to jump on the live and share video by Danny. Unfortunately, Danny, this session, I'll just literally just being doing a talk and teach on that. If you've got any questions, comment down below. But I will be doing in 10 minutes, I'll be live in our client group as well. So that'll be a screen share zoom, we can go through that as well. As I mentioned, today's video, are you struggling to grow? Are you struggling to get leads?

Are you struggling to get clients and grow your online fitness and coaching business? This is exactly why if you are in this stage. Most people know how to train and coach and get a client result if you do not know how to get a client result. I'm not talking about just online, you might be totally new to online, not know what to do online, but I'm talking about in person. If you're a trainer or your coach and you have no idea how to get a client result in person, start there first. I don't focus on helping coaches and coaches who don't know how to get clients results in person. If you are a great coach, your clients love you, you're able to get clients results, They stick around long term and you want more impact, you want more clients, you want more growth, then this is what is holding you back, right?

First and foremost, you need to be a good coach. Then from there to actually grow business, you need to become good at getting leads and at getting clients. Danielle, lovely to see you there. You have to be good at getting leads and you have to be good at turning those leads into clients. There's three pieces of this. Get leads, turn them into clients, deliver an amazing service to those clients, get them a result. I'm saying if you're a great coach and you already got point three nailed, you might be saying, Chris, I don't know how to do that as an online format. I can help you with that. But if you're a terrible coach and you don't know what the hell you're doing, nail that first.

Getting leads, getting and turning them into clients. You might be able to get some leads here and there. Might feel like a drought sometimes. You might do some stuff, something comes in, it's very unpredictable. It doesn't get you to the level you want to. You get some clients, some clients leave and you're always kind of in that hamster wheel of not getting to where you want to get to. You're able to get leads and you're able to turn those leads into clients. But what you do not have is a predictable system that consistently spits out leads and clients for you. That is what you're missing.

The consistency and predictability. A system that does that for you. So many people are like, Ah, I'm going to grow my Instagram following. I'm going to go on TikTok, I'm going to do this, I'm going to do that. I'm going to go into Facebook groups and just post stuff, I'm going to post great content. I'm sorry to say this, but this morning, yesterday, whenever... I go on Instagram for business reasons, I see my newsfeed and I see some terrible content in there and like I'm saying I'm not trying to be bad, but it's like I see some terrible content there and I see some amazing content in there from people posting stuff and the terrible stuff, it's like, well, one, you shouldn't even waste your time because it's not going to get you the results.

You should be focusing spending that time and energy on other stuff to the system to get you the leads and the clients. If you know that your content's kind of crappy and you don't really focus on it, then I challenge you to stop doing it and focus on other stuff. You're wasting your time. If your content is amazing. I see some amazing content, but the sad part is I see some amazing stuff and it gets one like or zero likes or one comment. And half the time the comment's from some spammy bot saying, Oh, great work. Love it. Hey DM me and I'll help you grow your profile or platform. That must suck. Apologies. A dry throat.

Putting In time and energy into content, posting stuff and getting little to no results. Feedback. Sorry, I got a little bit of a cold. Way too much spam. Sean's noted. Spot on. And then bots, it's machines, or it's spammers.

Spending all that time, energy and money and creating great content that nobody sees, nobody cares about. That ain't going to get you where you want to get to. The algorithms of Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, they favour people are Insta famous. Social media, internet famous, and look, if you don't have half a million followers, the content play posting content or spamming outreach to cold DMs, waste of time, waste of energy. And let me tell you, it's soul draining, that sort of stuff. Anyone that will do that for a couple of days and they'll stop because it's just punishing, you put in all this energy, then you get some spammer come and say, great work, or DM me and I can sell you teeth whitening. Cool. No, waste of time. What you need is the system that predictably gives you high quality leads that you can turn into clients day in and day out. Spits out as many as you need without relying on you being internet famous.

The content play, the organic play, posting content, trying to think that, Oh, if I just do enough of it, sooner or later, one will go viral. It won't. Like I said, the algorithms favour the big guys. If you don't have a huge following, if you have a huge following, post. You'll get clients. Cool. If you don't have a huge following, you're thinking, Well, I'll just keep doing it until I get a huge following? Won't happen. Algorithms have changed. They favour the big guys. Ask yourself, how much work? How much time do you put into trying to grow your following posting, so on and so forth. And in the last month, how much has it grown? The last six months. How much has it grown? How many leads? How many clients have you got from it? And if you can count on your hand how many you've gotten from it, lead some clients and you think to yourself, you've probably spent half an hour a day over the last six months, you've got to do something different.

You need to have that system in place that can spit it out. The ultimate process of that, there's, there's a couple of different ways to do that. There is organic ways of doing it and there is paid ads way of doing it. What I prefer, what works best, we've got a couple of techniques they pump, they allow people to tap into what [inaudible 00:12:36] around them, get a couple of clients, get money in the bank from those clients, and then put aside about 10% of that money reinvest it into Facebook, Instagram ads. And then you have unlimited eyeballs, you have an unlimited reach, you will have a consistent flow of high quality people. If you have the right funnel, you're able to funnel out the crappy leads, make the great ones rise to the top and you only speak to them.

Puts you in the best light possible, allows you to charge what you're worth and get you those dream clients you want consistently without you having to post content, try to become an Instagram celebrity, which once again, doesn't work. So you need that system in place. You don't need a big bank roll to do ads. Like I said, no one even needs a dollar to do ads. You do these free techniques, you get two, three, $4,000 or more in clients. You put back 10% of that, that's money you've got in your pocket. You put back 10% of that into paid ads and you're away. So you don't even need a dollar. That's how you do ads for free.

And then when you're doing ads and you've got the right funnel, it's called cash flow advertising. When you put in $10, you pull out more money and then you put back in $10, you pull out even more money, you pull back in $10. That means that every time you're doing your ads, it doesn't cost you anything. It's creating new cash flow. So that's the system, that's the structure. If you want any help with any of that, implementing it, reach out to me, You can send me a dm, happily help you with that. Hopefully this video has helped. Hope you have an amazing day, amazing week ahead. Get active, take action, get the results you want. And that's it for me. Bye for now.

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