
True Wealth, Freedom & Impact as a Personal Trainer or Health Coach

True Wealth, Freedom & Impact as a Personal Trainer or Health Coach

Topic of today that we're going to talk about is the math behind true wealth, freedom, and impact, and what you should be targeting, how to get there. And at the same time, the math behind it. Now, as I mentioned, in this video I'm going to take you through the exactly what I've just talked about in terms of getting you true freedom, time freedom, financial freedom, and mammoth impact without drowning in admin and workload and kind of capping yourself in hitting a ceiling. And that's really where it's at. Having phenomenal impact in the world, having massive positive impact in the world, but at the same time as a reward of doing that the right way is getting the financial, getting paid what you're worth, getting what is worthy of the impact that you're having.

Now, if you're changing people's lives and I spoke to a trainer the other day. And if you're changing people's lives and really... Like us as trainers, right? Us as coaches, health coaches, nutritionists, personal trainers, the impact that we have on people's lives is absolutely massive whether that's the physical impact or the mental impact that has a positive influence in every aspect of their life, whether that's in their family life, their relationships, their business, their health, their longevity, and their self-esteem and all that sort of stuff that comes with it, right? So, there is a physical impact and there's a mental impact. And all of those things flow through into every other area of their life, right? And I would say we're probably one of the most important industries in the world, right? If people are healthy, they're living longer, they have less injuries, they have less ailments. If they're healthier, they're happier. That's helping in their business life. That's helping in their family. That flows down to their children, flows through their community, so on and so forth.

So as a result, having that sort of impact on people's lives, it doesn't mean that you're also, you have to... If you want to have that impact on people's lives, it doesn't mean that you also have to be take a vow of poverty. So giving everything in changing everyone's lives, but struggling to pay for the groceries at the end of the week, right? That is not... Look, if that's what you want to be, that's cool and there's nothing against that. But I guess what I'm saying is if you want to have massive impact and impact on people's lives, and at the same time, get financial freedom and get paid, what that is? That result is worth. Then, that's cool too. And you really have a choice either way. You can have mammoth impact on people's lives and not care about your own life in any way or your family or your financial security, or you can try and get the perfect circle of helping people and helping you, your family, all in one. The perfect alignment, right?

And that's not being greedy. Being greedy and being I guess the parasite in the world is where you don't help anyone and you only just care about yourself and you only want to just get paid and you don't really care about your clients. That's not right. That's not where you want to be. And if you're that type of person, please exit this group. Please stop following me because that is not, it's not ethical. It's not where you want to be. So now, back to the math of financial freedom, impact, and time freedom. It is a concept called the 444 and 400. And I want to explain what this concept is. It's very simple and it's very easy to communicate. Now, 444, 400. What does that mean?

Four is working four days a week. 44 is working 44 weeks per year, right? Which is roughly eight weeks off per year, if there's 52 weeks in a year. And 400 is $400,000 in income, right? Now, if you have a business that allows you to work four days a week, 44 weeks per year, and earned personally $400,000 a year, then you are in a place where your business is working. It doesn't rely just on you. You have the right systems in place. You have the right leverage in place. And it is allowing you to have time off, recharge. And when you are working and when you are helping your clients, give your best. You're not working seven days a week, 20 hours a day, and then sudden when you show up for your clients, you're exhausted and you can't actually deliver. You can't give the world your best, right?

And at the same time, it lets you to... I work four days a week, but on the fifth day, I use that day to grow for personal growth because I know that I don't work and I have my systems and my team support my clients so that my clients get the results they deserve, they need. But on that fifth day, I spend that on myself because I know that any time spent on myself is then going to allow me to give more and better knowledge, information, support, help to my clients, right? If you're not growing and you are coaching clients and showing them how to grow, but you yourself spend no time on yourself and you don't grow, let me tell you, you're actually not going to help you. You'll get to a level with your clients and they'll overtake you because you're stagnant and they're moving forward, right? You need to spend time on yourself and you need to grow to allow you to be the leader to your clients and continue to take them to that next level and continue to give them more and more value, right?

So the 444, 400 concept is basically around how to give yourself time to recharge and to be the leader of your industry and to spend more time on improving yourself, which then improves those people around you, whether that's your team, your clients, your family, your community, whatever it might be. The 44 weeks per year is the same thing again. It's being able to have downtime to have uptimes, to be able to slow down to speed up. The 400K per year is just I guess a rough guide of if you're earning that sort of wealth, you're able to make investments. You're able to grow a team and put money in other people's pockets and help others that aren't able to do what you're able to do and create opportunities for people who want jobs or whatever it might be. And at the same time, have finances to give back to charities, work with homeless people or whatever it might be, whatever your main focus is.

I've got a guy that I work with who has an online fitness business that's very well income-wise. And then he doesn't tell anyone, but has a main focus of X percent, a large portion of the income he pulls in every month, he gives to a charity that he feels very strongly about. I'm not going to say what charity it is or who it is because this person is... That's true charity, not telling the world about, just doing it and impacting it and feeling great about that, right? That's true charity. Getting out there and scream it to the world, well, you could almost say that's a little bit of egotistical, right? So, that's where you really want to be. And that way you can have the impact, you can have the freedom, you can have the leverage, and you can have the financial freedom to make the choices to do whatever the hell you want with that. Whether that's buy your family a new house, right? Or, give all that money to charity. That's totally up to you, right?

Now, to be able to get to the 444, 400, the crux of the whole thing. It cannot exist if you do not service your clients, if you do not get them great results, if you do not live, lead with that in all ways as your top priority. Because let me tell you, like I talked about earlier, if you don't care about your clients, you don't care about the results, you'll never be able to build a business that will give you leverage. You'll never be able to have impact. And as a result, you actually never get the income that you want as well. So, it's kind of flipped. A lot of people like, ah, I want money, right? And the reason why they never get money is because they never think about their clients. They never think about, well, who am I serving? Who am I helping? What result am I going to get them? And then by default, what should they give back to me in monetary terms for how much I'm going to change their life, right? What makes it a fair relationship, right?

And like I talked about before, you might say, hey, you know what? I don't need money. I'm already too rich. Or I don't need money. I'm happy to live beneath my means or whatever it might be. And so, I'm going to impact the world and ask for a dollar, right? And that's cool. That's totally cool. That's totally your decision. But for the rest of the world who are like, well, I've got bills. I need to keep the lights on. I need to eat. I need to sleep in a warm bed. I need a house, a roof over my family's head. So on and so forth. Well, that's cool too, right? And on that side of it, it's like, we'll deliver a phenomenal result with your customer, your client's goals primarily. And then just tie that into, well, what should you be re-numerated for changing their life, right? Hopefully, that makes sense. If you've got any questions, comment down below. We got some people jumping in here, but we've gone through the 444, 400 concept, right?

And once again, this is just a concept. But if you look at... If you read as many books as I do, like I said, I work four days a week. The fifth day, I read truckloads of book. I'm always looking to get more knowledgeable, get better, evolve, grow in areas that I'm not that strong in, right? And I've been reading plenty of books on this at the present time. And there's I guess a rule of thumb around the world in these sort of spaces. The 444, 400 is just a concept that you can strive towards. You can strive to moving towards. And as I mentioned, the key primary that sits above the 444, 400 is positive impact, right? And the key to it all is if you can have time off, you can work four days a week, 44 weeks a year, and still earn 400K, then you must be, you need a business that services your clients and supports them all in every way they need, right?

You don't have to be the driver to your business at all stages. You need to set it up correctly and you need to have it that it works so well and gets so many amazing results for your clients that you don't need to be there seven days a week, 20 hours a day. And in actual fact, your clients will get a better result and get more from you when you have time off to refuel, rejuvenate, fuel up, or juice up, whatever term you want to used to be able to then continue to evolve and grow and continue to be that leader and stay ahead of the pack so that you can continually help them rather than you just staying stagnant and them having to leave you and find someone else as they continue grow through their growth journey.

So hopefully, that makes sense. If you have any questions, comment down below. Hit me up on it if you are in the view of wanting to grow a business to potentially retire early or have more time off, have more time freedom, have more financial freedom. And at the same time, have it set up so you can have mammoths amount of impact, positive impact along the world, to your clients, to charities, to employees or people in the community that you're able to take those funds and share the wealth. If that's of interest to you and you found this topic interesting, look, hit me up, [email protected]. That's [email protected]. I'd be happy to give you some tips around this.

It maybe you're stuck around a few things. Maybe you're on your way. Or maybe you're like, shit, Chris. I knew what I wanted, but now this 444, 400 has given me a bullseye, something clarity. And you want to talk about it or whatever it might be. Send me an email, hit me up. Love talking about these topic, concepts, helping people move forward towards that. And that's probably it for me today, guys. Hopefully, you all have an amazing day so far, week so far, and even more importantly, week ahead. That's it from me, Chris Lynton of TribeFit. Signing out with some very great skies in Sydney City, Australia. All the best. Speak soon.

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