
How To Handle Objections And Close High Ticket Clients In Christmas New year period As An Online Trainer

How To Handle Objections And Close High Ticket Clients In Christmas New year period As An Online Trainer

Now, in today's video, I'm going to be going through specifically how to handle objections for clients, for leads, this time of the year being lead up to, uh, Christmas festive season, new Year's, how to handle objections of people saying, Hey, uh, I might wait or start later. And how to close more high ticket clients this time of the year. Now, it's a common question I get from trainers, from coaches all around the world, and it is a common objection that you've probably experienced in the past, whether it's in your face to face business, your gym, or your online business. Now, a lot of people, a lot of prospects seem to, uh, anchor the Christmas period, the new year period, to like, um, a festive season, right? Where they go, okay, this is my time where I, I can kind of let my hair down, celebrate the year, um, and kind of let, let myself loose, right?

Let everything go. And then in the new year, on New Year's Eve, I'll have this new found, um, new Year's resolution, this massive motivation, and I'll hit the ground running then and make the next year amazing. Um, so, so that some people who have had a bad you, uh, will kind of go, you know, what's not worth starting now? Because this year's been a write off, and I may as well just, you know, keep the negative spin of this year. And then in the new year, January one, I'm gonna reset. I'm gonna change my life. This year was a write off. I just want it to pass next year. I'm gonna make it the year of my life. Now, in reality, I guess it, it ties to people, you know, having parties has, uh, people, um, having holidays and also, you know, all of the foods and all of that around, um, all of the traps, right?

And you've probably experienced that with your prospects before. And as a result, you'll think that, um, as a result, it is across the board. Everybody thinks this, this is just what happens, this is what it's done. Um, and there's no way that you can have big dissenters. Now, I want to let you know what is possible and break any belief pattern you have around this. Now, every single year, I hear from people time and time again who don't have a successful or systemized business to bring in clients bringing leads, um, in a predictable and consistent way. Say that December's a tough time. You know, I have to save my cash. I'm buying presents, clients drop off, so on and so forth. And year on year, I have clients who have a record months in December. Now they have record months in January as well. We all know news resolution crowd goes nuts, whatever it might be. Um, but record, record months in December. And I would say there's kind of two reasons for that.

One, they have the systems, the predictability, the, uh, the skill set, right? Already, already built in place. They have that working for them. And so leads and hungry clients keep dropping in, right? So they have opportunity, which feeds them. The second part to that is, I almost say that the majority of the industry go to sleep at this time, right? The majority, and that's what I was talking about before. The majority of people have this concrete belief that prospects don't buy, clients don't buy lead, don't buy in the lead up to, uh, Christmas. So they just go to sleep. And those that don't and have the right systems in place, absolutely crush and have record months because like 99% of their competition just disappear, right? So that their message gets heard louder, uh, there's less noise to cut through, they're advertising, or they're organic works phenomenally better, and the system's predictable.

So everything just drip feeds in and anyone that they would be competing with in any way, shape or form is disappeared right? Now, in addition to that, you need to also know, so from a a, uh, opportunity volume perspective, it's a phenomenal time of the year for those reasons I've just talked about. Now, you need to have this, your systems, you need to have the predictable formats in place to be able to take advantage of it, right? Um, but at the same time, when those leads come through, you need to know how to handle the objections of this time of the year that are ingrained in a lot of leads or processors. Now, you'll get some that come through who are just like, um, I wanna get a jumpstart on the new year and I'm so motivated, and they're just chasing the hunter. You, and, and there'll be no objections whatsoever.

Now, you also get the, the portion that have objections around moving forward. They're like, I want to do this. I know I want to do this, but maybe I'll start till the first week of January. Right? And your job as a coach, as someone to actually have impact and help your client's lives is to show them the negative of doing that. Show them how bad it will be for them doing that, going that path. Right? Now, what I mean by that is, let's just say you speak to someone December two, right? And, uh, they're a great lead. You can change their life, um, and, and they're like, yep, I wanna do it, but let me do this. Uh, you know what I'm gonna do? Let's do this in January because I'm gonna take some, you know, let my hair go. And, um, every single year, I, I, I'm not that motivated and I, I kind of pack on a couple of kilos or feel terrible or whatever it might be, um, and just let myself go.

And then in January, I, I, I tighten the screws and get back onto the, onto the waggon. Now it is your job as a coach, a true coach who wants to help people and change lives, to show them how, um, how much harder their goal will be if they do that. Now, um, what you wanna do is kind of go through, take them through, okay, cool here, loud and clear. That's what you wanna do. That's what you're thinking. That's what you've done probably every single year and in the, in the past. And just because it's what they've done, that's what they're comfortable with. That's what they know. Now you've gotta try and break their belief. You've gotta try and challenge them to think about it in a different way and go, okay, well what about if you keep doing what you've always done, you will keep getting the same result.

There's a reason you're not where you want to be yet, right? So you to get a different result, to get the outcome of where you want to be. Cause you're not there yet. You need to do something different, right? And you can almost, like, if it's a weight loss goal or whatever it might be, you can kind of paint the picture of, all right, well, um, over a month and over this period, it is like actually the most dangerous part of the year, right? For those who want to improve their, their fitness, their health, whatever it might be, it is the most, um, dangerous part of the year with traps everywhere. You need to be equipped and you need the accountability, you need the help, you need the support to navigate this very dangerous period. And if you don't and you don't have the tools, the coaching, the help, the account, the skill set to navigate this period, then more than likely where you are today, if you just let yourself go, um, come January, like your goal might be to, I don't know, they might say they wanna lose 10 kilos, right?

Um, you want to show them how hard it is to lose an extra 3, 4, 5 kilos and say it, right? Like, if you just let yourself go through this period is the most dangerous period of the year, um, more than likely January one, you are going to feel like crap, which tied back to the previous years you asked them, you know, in the previous years when you start, you, you do, you feel like crap cause you've kind of overeat and you've done this, you've done that. You digestive system, um, sluggish, so like both and you generally put on a couple of kilos or pounds and how long it takes to get back to where they are today before they can even start moving towards the goal they want to. So rather than having to lose 10, they're now going to have to lose 13, 14, 15, right? And reset their digestive system and all that sort of stuff depending on what you coach on, um, their metabolism.

And it actually will take them this much more, uh, period to lose the extra that they've gained rather than just starting where they are and tying it into like, like I said, the most dangerous part of the year and saying, all right, I will help you avoid the traps. Now I'm not going to, and no one's going to say, no one's going to want to hear, hey, I'm gonna help you, uh, avoid having fun over this period. But if you can communicate them that, Hey, I'm gonna help you avoid the traps, I'm also going to allow you to live your life and show you techniques and ways to mitigate the impact so you can still let your hair down have fun, but you've mitigated your risk, you will, you, you will reduce the negative impact. I'm gonna help you avoid the traps that you want to avoid, enjoy the things you want to enjoy, but then show you how to tighten things up afterwards to mitigate the negative, right?

So that come January one, you'll be where you are today, we can hit the ground running, we can get you move moving forward rather than being worse than where you are today or even in better shape, genuine one so that you can get your results and your goals even sooner, even faster, right? So it's about going through, um, the, the, it's painting the picture of how bad it will be if they don't move forward today and they, and they wait, right? What were they lose? What will, um, what would be the negative of starting here rather than starting today? Right? Paint that picture, make it very, very clear. In addition to that, make sure that you are very, very clear that you're not going to be like, um, you're not going to be a fun police, right? You're not going to say, Hey, I'm gonna help you say no to everything over this period and lock yourself inside and have the worst fe period ever.

What you want to show to them is, Hey, I'm going to show you how to avoid the, the key traps, right? The ones you wanna avoid and how to mitigate the risk or the downside so that you can do stuff, have fun, enjoy yourself, but not get the negative flow on from it, right? And, um, that way it's gonna make him go cool, I can still have fun, I can still do the things I want. This person's not gonna be a fun police to me. Um, but I'm going to be in better shape, better place, and um, ultimately get to my goal sooner or faster. Now, the final piece to it is some people might say, I'm going to go away on holidays. I might not have access to whatever I need to, da da da. Um, having a portion, like being an online coach once again, rather than an in-person coach.

Um, or if you are an in-person coach and you have clients that go away, having an online coaching format, right, where you can kind of hybrid them between the break so that hey, rather than pause your coaching for two or three weeks when you go away, cuz I won't be able to see you face to face. We can work together online over that period and do all the things that I just talked about before. Make sure that you hit the ground running and then when you come back, we can work together in person again or a hybrid of in person online, a really great time to be able to a, transition your in person clients to online and b, not get, um, the drop in income

That comes when in person clients say, Hey, I'm going on holidays so I can't see you, so I can't get your service so I can't pay you. Um, I'll see you again in three weeks time, right? And that's, that's, that's def definitely a period where a lot of in person trainers take a hit financially and just assume because that's what they've done before that, that's what has to happen. Now that is the perfect way to going, Hey, I can work with you online over that period, keep you in track, right? And then you can do whatever you want to do with them thereafter. It's the perfect way to offset, uh, or not get that loss of income and not get your clients to go backwards so you're actually helping them more, right? And once again, if you're a coaching, you wanna help people, that should be your goal.

Um, and it's a great way to introduce in person clients to an online format so that when they come back you can start to reduce your time for money one on one stuff. Um, so hopefully that, that'll make sense. Hopefully these techniques you can take into, um, the coming weeks ahead. Probably the final piece I would say is if, if all, if someone says, Hey, I'm gonna have a week off. I don't wanna do online during that period, I don't wanna do anything, um, and I wanna start later as a result, I don't wanna miss out. I don't wanna pay for that. You can always give someone like a weak extra, right? If you say, Hey, if you get started today, I'll give you a week extra. And that way if you take a week off, you're not paying for it. Um, but you're kind of locking them in today rather than getting, having it as a objection and, and them going, okay, well I'm gonna go away for a week.

I may as well start after I get back from the holiday. And that's in four weeks time, right? You can always have that in your back pocket as well. It's about reducing objections, finding someone you can help, who wants help, right? And then reducing objections to get them to move forward to change their life ultimately. Hopefully that makes sense. Um, take action on some of those tips over the coming weeks and you'll see that December's can actually be record months for in person, um, and online coaches as well. So, um, rip on that. Let me know how you go on December. If you've got any questions on that, you need any help with me, you can email [email protected]. That's [email protected] and I happy to come back on that as well. And like I said, um, get your hands on, uh, any of the gifts. If you can't see em or you're seeing this video on a different platform, um, email me and I can send through some of those gifts as well. I'd be happy to help. That's it from me, Chris, and Tri Fitt dialling out. Bye for now.

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