
Why Most Online Fitness Businesses & Entrepreneurs Fail (Avoid This At All Costs)

Why Most Online Fitness Businesses & Entrepreneurs Fail (Avoid This At All Costs)

In today's video, what I'm going to take you through is the reason why most online fitness businesses or coaching entrepreneurs fail and what to avoid at all costs now is they very, very common mistake, a very common trap that I see a lot of people fall into. And if you are trying to grow your business and you're putting in time, you're putting in energy, you're putting in effort, and for whatever reason you're like, This seems harder than what it should be. Putting in the time, putting in the energy, and I'm not getting the results. I'm putting the input, but I'm not getting the output. What comes out of it? I'm not getting the results. I'm not getting the clients, I'm not getting the impact, I'm not getting the income and everything just feels too hard. Then there is generally a reason. Now business, it ain't easy to build a million dollar a year business a hundred thousand dollars a year business, $500,000 a year business.

It ain't easy, but it's simple right now. What I mean by that is that everything in life, every good thing in life takes energy, takes effort, right? No one, you can't just go to sleep one night and wake up the next morning and someone's going to give you something great. Now, they'll give you something shit and something crappy. If you want something instantaneously with no effort, no energy whatsoever, you have to expect that it'll be crappy. So think about anything in life that you've done that was actually worthwhile and moved you forward and gave you happiness. Could take, took energy, took effort, but it should be simple. And if you put in the energy, you put in the effort, you should get the results. Now, if you are putting in the energy, putting in the effort, and you're not seeing the results, then there is something wrong that you need to fix.

And I generally find this one single thing is a very common trap that majority of people fall into, and you may be falling into this right now. What this is, is you have to most entrepreneurs, we love creating things. We we're smart, we're hard workers. We back ourselves. We are confident in our skill sets and be able to deliver something amazing. But unfortunately, what gets tied to that is because we love creating things and helping people and whatever it might be, we can fall in love, We're passionate, we're energetic, But the negative of that is you can fall in love with your idea. And that is the biggest trap. That is the biggest mistake as an entrepreneur. And what I mean by that is you can fall in love with the

Idea so much that you end up going, This is amazing. This is so freaking awesome. Everybody in the world will want this thing because it is so awesome. And if only people can see how amazing it is, cause I love it so much, then other people must are going to love it as much as me. And falling in love with the idea, falling in love with the concept, falling in love with the baby that you create of this business or this product or this, whatever it is. Now, you need to understand business has zero, 0% to do with you. A successful business has a hundred percent to do with your customer right now.

Your goal in any business to be a successful business is to solve a specific, big, painful problem of your customer and do it in the way that your customer wants, not in the way that you want, not deliver what you think is amazing, not deliver what's pretty awesome, cool, whatever. None of that matters right? Now, I'll rewind to, I have so many conversations around this, but I had a conversation with a specific entrepreneur who was a very successful person, was earning good money, very smart, hard worker, and they sat down and said, Chris, I've got this business idea and I wanna run it by you. And they'd already started doing stuff, already spent on logos, already gotten lawyers, set up the business, already started doing work, social media, posts, all of these things. And they're like, I'm so passionate, energetic, I'm gonna leave my job.

I'm gonna make this happen. And then when we sat down, I was like, Okay, so what do you do? How do you help? Who's your customer? And they're like, Oh, none of that really matters. What my vision for this business is to sell this thing and give this champagne. This is the exact wording. I wanna give a champagne experience to my customers, this high level champagne, whatever that really means, whatever it means to them. And I'm sitting there, I'm like, I don't really understand. I didn't say this, but I'm like, I don't understand what the business is. I don't understand what you deliver. And you're talking about the champagne experience, and I don't even know what that means, and I don't think your customer's ever gonna know what that means. You know what that means, and you are in love with it, and you can't detach yourself from how much you are in love with it to actually take a step back to say, Will your customers, do your potential customers even want this

Right now? They went away. And I said, Oh, amazing. Look, I'm not gonna put anyone down on their idea. I never would. I said, Amazing. Cool. I can't help you with this. Sounds really cool. Sounds like you're really passionate about it. I'll give you some advice. X, Y, z, abc. They didn't necessarily want to hear the advice. And I said, Cool. Go do what you need to do. Now, three months down the track, they're putting in a lot of time, a lot of money, a lot of effort to it. And it turned out it was just a passion of theirs. They found it really cool. No one became a client. They got no clients. The business didn't move forward. They ended up closing it down. And I hate seeing that entrepreneurs excited, passionate entrepreneurs who are energetic and smart fail because they forget that it ain't about you.

It does not matter what you want to do. Doesn't matter what you want to deliver. It is totally about your customer, your prospect, what they want, what they need. So do not fall in love with your idea. You don't need to love a successful business requires the customer to love what you do. If you love it or you don't love it, it doesn't really matter. The ideal goal is that your customers love what you do and you love what you do, and you are totally passionate about it, and that's the perfect circle. But don't create something that you love and your customers hate or don't understand, or don't care about, because lo and behold, no will buy, you'll wasted. Waste your time. You waste your energy, you get frustrated and you'll end up just closing it because it is not a successful business. No one's going to buy.

A business exists to serve its customers to solve a problem, a big problem to its customers, right? Full stop. That's the only reason you a business exists. It does not exist to for any other reason, serve customers', clients change their life in the way that they want. So approach any business that you've got with that, and try and detach yourself from your idea whether you love it, you don't love it, whatever, because it can make you go blind and go, Well, I love it so much. So everyone else must love it or will love it. Unfortunately, business ain't about you. It's about serving your customers and your clients and giving them an exactly what they want. Now, if you can do that, you will be an extremely successful entrepreneur. You'll be an extremely successful business, and you'll put in the work and

You'll get amazing, easy results. Rather than putting in so much work and getting little to no results, you can put in half that work and you'll get double the results. And that's what really it's about, right, is getting the biggest results, the biggest impact, changing as many clients' lives as possible in ideally the least energy required to it's swim against the tide, right? Go with the tide. Make it easier on yourself, right? By actually serving first and foremost, everything you do. What does my client need? What do they want? How do they want it? I'm going to deliver so that they love it, right? And you will then go with the tide rather than swimming against it and making everything harder on you. Hopefully that makes sense. Hopefully, if you're at a spot right now where you're like I'm putting a lot of effort, energy, for whatever reason, it's not delivering the results, and you're working super hard and you're truthful to yourself about this, then sit back, take a second and say, Have I built something that was for me rather than for my customer's, prospects, clients? And really be honest to yourself on that. And then take a pen and a pad out. Take some time and go, Okay, does my client, my prospect, my customer, actually want, I'm going to align myself to that and deliver the most amazing thing possible that delivers exactly what they want, what they need, how they want it.

Hopefully that makes sense. Now, if you've got any questions, shout out happy to help Chris at Tribe Doco you check out our website, www dot tribe dot c. I'm happy to help in any way, shape, or form. I hope this video has helped you, hope it saves a lot of people pain, that they would've other otherwise gone down a journey that caused a lot of pain and frustration. Because my goal is to help you be more successful, have less failures and pain, and find the right way, and get the results that you deserve and you want. That's it for me. Bye for now.

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