
[FitPro] What's The #1 Way To Get Online Fitness Clients Right Now?

[FitPro] What's The #1 Way To Get Online Fitness Clients Right Now?

In today's video, we're gonna be going through how to get clients in 2023. What's their number one best way for you to get high paying self-motivated clients coming to you, chasing you, closing them, delivering an amazing service. What's working right now? The things you need to do more of and focus on, and the things you need to forget, the things that used to work and may not work anymore, right? And that's what we're gonna be going through in today's video.

Now, first and foremost, I wanna preframe, uh, this with what is not working and why right now what's working less and less is the organic methods right? Now, what if you don't, you're not sure what I mean by them trying to grow your following, trying to post content a hundred times a day, right? Trying to get, be relevant, give great value, right? Become an authority and living on social media.

Um, posting what you eat, a workout, you know, motivational quotes, doing reels, doing stories, doing lives, um, creating amazing content, right? And trying to put that across. Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, TikTok, you name it, right? LinkedIn. Like, we could go on and on and on right now. There's nothing wrong with social media. There's nothing wrong with posting with social media. There's nothing wrong with organic methods, right? They can get you clients, right? They can get you leads right? Now, um, the problem lies with how manual it is, right? How much time it takes, how much energy it takes, and the way algorithms have changed recently. Now you've probably noticed now more than ever when you do amazing content, right? You put out some great stuff, you post regularly like you used to. You're probably getting less and less people seeing you're kind of less and less people engaging with your content.

And it's because the algorithms are changing, right? They've changed. And really, um, what used to be important in regards to like time in the day of posting, posting numerous times, so you make sure you're the top of the feed and all that sort of stuff. None of that really matters so much anymore. Like, um, the algorithm, whether the thing was posted, like the content was posted two days ago, three days ago, um, it, um, prioritises people with big followings, right? People have already got the social clout because, um, if it's getting lots of likes and lots of followers, it says, oh, that must be good content. I'm gonna show it to Chris this morning, even though I was posted three days ago, five days ago, whatever it might be. It's less about posting frequently to be at the top of the page because the algorithm, if it's like, if you don't have a big following and it doesn't feel like you have big online social media clout, it'll just say, this isn't good content.

I'll show it to no one. Or sh it chokes the reach more and more. And the reason why they're doing that, um, is that really one they're trying to give, um, uh, more, more viewership to those that are, um, that already have big followings, right? And already have that clout, right? And it's choking the reach of the people who don't have big followings, don't have the big clout, and it's also choking the ability for you to grow your following. So if you don't already have a big following, you don't already have great social media cloud with your target, um, audience, then it is more harder and harder than ever to grow your reach and grow your following and actually get there, right? And so it's almost like impossible. Now. Now there's nothing wrong with organic, right? It can get you some clients and can get you a handful of clients, right?

But the problem is, like I said, is that it's only gonna get you so far, right? And way too many people get stuck in that trap, right? In the merry-go-round of, ah, if I just keep posting, I'll get some clients, ah, great, I've got one or two clients, so I'll just stay there and I'll keep doing that. Maybe in a month's time, I get one more, one more clients, two more clients, right? But like I said, um, the algorithms are choking the reach more and more. And so you're gonna get less and less results. Right? Now, the best number one way to get online fitness clients consistently is with a system, an automated system, a paid ads automated system that literally goes out there and drops your irresistible message in front of your target audience's eyeballs, right? At a time that, that they're ready to consume that and brings them through to you, right?

Brings people through to you. Now, ultimately, um, like I said, unless you have a massive following, you have that huge, um, clout already and you're getting massive reach, even if you're the best online trainer in the world and you can help change people's lives, if no one, if no one like sees your message, right? No one will ever hear from you, no one will know about you. And so as a result, they're gonna go to your competitors. So really, you are forced, like more and more than ever to get into a system, a paid ads format, to allow you to get your message out there because organic is choking more and more, right? So it's harder to get your message out there for people to actually know who you are and find you, right? And ultimately, um, to grow a great business have massive impact.

There is a lot more people who don't know you today than do know you, right? And so you need to have a way to get your message out to people who do not know you. Put the right message in front of 'em at the right time when they're ready to engage with that and bring them through, educate them and make them want to jump on a call with you. Um, super excited knowing what you do, wanting what you do, right? And, and more or less pre-sold on that. And that is the number one way why one, uh, as I mentioned, it's almost impossible to get that reach and get in front of those new eyeballs without paid. But in addition to that, um, organic is just so manual and takes so much time and energy, right? So you can only get so far as humans, we've only got 24 hours in a day, even though we wish we had more, right?

You can never get more than 24 hours in a day. You've gotta eat, you've gotta sleep, you've gotta do other stuff, you've gotta spend time with family, friends actually enjoy life, right? And so it's not about going, oh, you know what, maybe if I just get super productive and double my output, I'll get double the clients from organic, right? Maybe I've just gotta, instead of posting four times a day that I'm doing at the moment, I just gotta get more motivated, drink more coffee, get up earlier, sleep later, um, get more productive and post, you know, 12 times a day or whatever, and then I'll get three times the result. It's not the case, right? And ultimately, by trying to do that, you're only setting yourself up for burnout. It is not something that is consistent. And like a lot of people I speak to, they're like, oh, I've just gotta get more motivated and, and if I double down on it, you know, but I find that I'll do that for a week and then I stop.

So it must be something wrong with me. I feel like maybe I've got procrastination or lack of motivation or whatever it might be. And it's not that. It's because you've got the wrong system, right? So you do it hard for a week, and any person that is like doing something that's just like setting 'em up to burn out will do it hard for a week and then take the foot off the gas because it's just not sustainable. It's not you, it's the strategy that's broken, right? I'll repeat that. It's not you that it's broken, it's a strategy that it's broken. You're trying to do something that is not able to be done for life, right? That is not able to get you the results you want. So ultimately, you need to have that system in place that brings things through to you, does the heavy lifting for you, and it it, it removes any ceiling, any cap, because you can actually turn it up or turn it down, or pause it, turn it on, turn it off, literally have total control and it has no, um, direct connection to how many hours per day you work and how hard you work and, right?

Like how much you lock yourself away in a room and, and ruin your social life and whatever it might be right? Now, I'm not saying that to get a business up and running, it's, it's, it's, it's easy, right? It takes effort, takes energy, it's simple, but it's not easy. Like anything important, anything great in life takes time, takes energy, right? And right. It's worth it. It's way worth it, right? So you, I'm not saying that it's like literally you can just sleep in bed all day and you're gonna become a multimillionaire. You need to put in work, right? Um, but it is simple, right? It's not easy, it's simple. And then once you have it up and running and the system's doing the heavy lifting for you, it is replicable, right? And it is scalable, right? Something that will feed you and your business for the next 1, 2, 5, 10 years, right? Without setting you up for burnout. So that is what needs to happen. That is what's working in 2023 right now,

Right? And the reason why you're probably seeing more and more getting less results from your organic efforts, right? And it's not a factor of, like, you can't fix that by just outworking it. You can't think, all right, well I've been putting in eight hours, um, my rich is going down the algorithm to change, so now I need to put in 12 hours to get the same result as I used to for eight hours. That, that's not, um, right? It's not a smart strategy because like, you're not gonna then go, all right, 12 hours a month from now, the algorithms are changed again. Now I've gotta work 16 hours to get the same amount of result as I used to to get eight hours. Like it's just not, uh, a smart move, right? So focus on the right things. Focus on what's going to set you up for success short term, medium term, long term.

Right? Now, as I said, there's nothing wrong with organic. It can work to a certain level, right? But you need to evolve and get off the hamster wheel of that at some stage. So take the leap of faith. If you need help with that and you don't know how to do it, you can reach out, you can DM me, you can send me an [email protected]. Um, and I'd be happy to help. So hopefully that helps, gives you some clarity and direction on what to focus on right now, what's working right now. Uh, and I hope that you use that and you get more clients to have more success, have more impact, to change more lives, and get paid more as a result of the great work you're doing with your clients. That's it from me. Bye for now.

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